"Hey, have you heard from your dad?" Jordan asked, curiously. "I know I blocked his number but..."

"Uh," Luna frowned. "I'm pretty sure he called me the other day. It was a blocked number and when I answered it, the other person hung up and that seems like something he would do."

Jordan pulled her in for a hug, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "Sorry about him."

"Don't worry about him," Luna shrugged. "Wanna get some food or something?"

"Actually," Jordan chuckled. "I'm here to help Asher and Peter out with some wedding things. Sorry, sweetheart."

Luna gaped her mouth open, watching Jordan walk out of the room and not even spare her a single glance.


It was the day of the actual wedding ceremony, Maria and Peter had decided against a rehearsal dinner due to the fact they've had one before and didn't feel the need to do it again. Luna was running around the venue making sure everything was perfect for the day and bouncing back and forth from her mom's tent to Peter's to make sure the two had everything they needed.

"Mom, if you want to leave," Luna clamped her hands down on her shoulders. "I have my car and bags packed for the two of us."

"I don't think a getaway car is necessary, mija," Maria chuckled "But, thank you. Go check on Peter and Asher and make sure they have the right socks for their tuxes. Here."

Luna grabbed the dress socks and headed over to the tent, placing her hand over her eyes. "Everyone decent in here?"

"Yes," Asher chuckled. "You can move your hand."

"Are you guys wearing dress socks?" She suspiciously glanced at the two.

"Are these dress socks?" Peter lifted the end of his pants up, showcasing his Nike socks. "How'd Ash do?"

"Asher you had like, two jobs!" Luna stressed. "Get the groom here. Make sure he's dressed, appropriately! Now, change or mom will kill you. 10 minutes until we start."

Asher winced once he felt her punch his bicep. She pushed the socks to his chest before storming out of the tent and walking back over to the bridal tent, letting out a sigh as she entered.

"Was I right?" Maria asked.

"You were right," she sighed. Luna smiled, once she realized her mom was ready. "You look gorgeous, your hair, makeup, dress. Everything is perfect. You ready to get married again?"

"So, ready," Maria grinned. "And if you like this dress so much. You can wear it when you and Jordan get married."

Luna waved the comment off and picked up their floral bouquets, she waited for her cue before exiting the tent and heading straight for the aisle. Luna, Peter, and Asher shared smiles as they stood across from each other and waited for her mom to walk down the aisle.

Maria and Peter exchanged their vows, there wasn't a dry eye in the room. Luna couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness for them while she watched them renew their vows. Despite her hatred and anger towards her stepdad for most of her life, there was no feeling like watching her mother being completely and utterly in love with the man that had been more of a father to her than her own.

Once the ceremony was over they had retreated to their house where the reception was being held at. The backyard had been completely transformed and every inch of it was covered in flowers even the pool and hot tub area had flowers and candles floating in the water.

Luna poked Jordan's cheek. "I saw you crying."

"I wasn't crying," he tried to deny. "Okay...maybe I was. I'm just very in touch with my emotions."

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