Chapter 2

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You two had just finished the movie when there was a knock on the door, instead of your brother who opened it, it was Pietro.

"Y/n I think your brother is ready to go soon" He mentioned

"Oh" You couldn't help but feel a little disheartened at the fact

"What were you two up to in here?" Pietro smirked and quickly ducked the pillow his sister threw at him

"Watching a movie Pietro, don't be gross unless you want to scare off another one of my new friends"

The two of them playfully glared at each other for a minute before you cleared your throat

" Well I guess I should get going"

Wanda got up from where she was sitting to walk you to her bedroom door. "It was really fun hanging out with you Y/n"

"Yeah same here" You smiled

"Maybe we could do it more often? We could watch legally blonde next" She offered

"Gross chic flicks" Pietro effectively spoiled the mood

You ignored her brother and turned to Wanda "I'd love that"

"Cool!" Wanda beamed, she grabbed your wrist and quickly scribbled something on the back of it "here's my number, text me" She winked and you blushed

Unfortunately, your brother decided to call you at that moment so all you could mutter was a shy "bye Wanda" before Pietro was guiding you to the stairs.

Your brother was waiting for you when you got downstairs, a suspicious look in his eyes "you two sure took an awfully long time up there" he accused

Right, you still weren't out to your family.

"Relax dude, I've already got something going on" Pietro explained "plus it's not my fault your sister gets lost easily" You just rolled your eyes and made your way to the car, leaving the two of them to say their goodbyes as you daydream about your next encounter with Wanda.



"Really brother?" Pietro smiled at the sound of his sister's voice after he'd shut the door.

"What ever are you talking about sister?"

"You sent another girl to my room?" Wanda complained

"You've been single for so long Wanda, maybe if you had someone else in your life you'd stop being so grumpy all the time since you never get along with any of my girlfriends"

"How did you even know Y/n was gay? She looked like she'd just barely even figured it out!" Wanda declared

"All the better for you right? You can teach her all about it" Pietro smirked at Wanda's blush and quickly retreated to his room before his sister could throw another pillow at him.

Wanda just grumbled and went back into her room to make a list of snacks to get for her and Y/n's next movie date- as friends of course. And if Wanda checked her phone every hour to see if a new text had come in well then that's none of her brother's business.


The car ride home was awkward, to say the least, Y/n could tell her brother wanted to say something but he was just eyeing her every few minutes.

"Whatever you have to say just say it" Y/n warned

" What makes you think I need to say anything?"

"You are literally side-eyeing me like a goddamn psychopath dude"

"I will make you walk home Y/n"

Y/n narrowed her eye's "you wouldn't"

Her brother slowed the cars speed and Y/n grabbed the leftover snacks

"If you make me be homeless then I get the snacks"

He eyed the bag of snacks that Y/n was clutching, noticing his hesitation Y/n peered inside the bag "oh look, cheez-its, your favorite. That's just too bad, at least they'll go to a good cause" You fake smiled

"Alright alright," he gave in "you are evil Y/n"

"Only when I need to be big bro" Y/n declared, popping a few cheez-its in her mouth

"I just- I know how charming Pietro can be but he gets with a lot of girls and I don't want to see you get hurt" He confessed

"Dude seriously? That's what you're worried about? Don't worry about it, he's not my type anyway" Y/n smiled

"Good. " your brother smiled, and the two of you annoyed each other the whole way home.

Requited- WandaxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now