"How much did this cost?" Pope asked angrily.

"Uh well. With the generator, the petrol, and oh hey! Express delivery, pretty much all of it. Yeah"

"All of it?" Pope asked in disbelief

"you spent all the money in one day?"

"Yeah burnt a whole right through my pocket" JJ continued grinning like an idiot "I mean come on guys look at this! Finest in jet based massage therapy! That's what they told me!"

"Kie what?" He asked when he saw her looking gobsmacked "can't a guy have a little luxury in his life?" JJ asked getting a little angry now "come on! All this scrimping and scraping! You only live once right? Enough of this emotional shit, get in the cats ass, come on!"

"In the what?" Kie asked shaking her head

"The cats ass, that's what I named her. Oh hey yo! I almost forgot!" JJ said pressing a button on the hot tub, making flashing lights come on. "Disco mode that's right baby!" He grinned again.

"Are you kidding me!" Pope finally shouted, making JJs face drop slightly. You could have paid for restitution!"

"Or given it to literally any charity!" Kie added

"Or better yet you could have helped us get supplies to get the rest of the gold out the well!" Pope added again.

JJ suddenly stood up in annoyance, a display of purple and black large bruises across his whole body suddenly being on show. Kie and pope looked in shock and horror, as they stared at their broken best friend.

"Well you know what! I didn't do that! JJ shouted. "I got a hot tub for my friends! You know what fuck friends, I got a hot tub for family!" He yelled, beginning to cry now. "Look what I did for you alright? Look at this! Look at this!"

"JJ" kie started her voice breaking as tears formed

"No no you stop being emotional!"

Kie suddenly climbed Into the hot tub and grabbed JJ, pulling her into him, as JJ broke down, sobbing into her chest. Pope joined them and they stayed there for a while hugging, letting JJ cry. Eventually they all headed inside to get warm.

"So where's Riley?" JJ asked the two awkwardly, remembering the harsh words he said to the girl

"I was going to ask you the same thing" kie said a worried look suddenly forming on her face.

"What no? She... she came with me but- but I said- I said some bad things, really really harsh things and she left. She headed back to you guys!" JJ said panic rising in his voice.

"We never saw her after she left! We waited for a while to see if either of you came back but neither of you showed so- so we left!" Pope said, also panicking.

"What about John B? Is she with him?" JJ asked suddenly standing up and getting dressed, the others doing the same.

"No! He's with Sarah!" Kie told him.

JJ filled with worry, regret and fear. He knew he had took it too far, but he also knew how far she could take things, and how ill she already was, he couldn't have helped, only added to it.

"Where the fuck is she?" JJ asked panicking "where would she have gone?" He asked the other two, yelling at them though he didn't mean to.

They all stared at each other thinking hard.

"The wreck?" Pope suggested.

"No no she wouldn't have" JJ said, knowing she wouldn't have shown how upset she we in public. Then it hit him. She'd want to be alone. And there was only one place where she could do that.

"I know where she is!" JJ suddenly said to the other two, he began running the fastest he's ever ran further into the cut, followed by kie and pope running after him.

They eventually found themselves outside Riley's old house. They entered in a hurry.

"RILEY!" JJ shouted running in and out of all the rooms.

"In here!" Kie shouted from the bathroom "quick!" Her voice broke as she shouted.

Pope and JJ burst Into the bathroom to find Riley on the floor unconscious next to an empty bottle of vodka and pack of pills.

Pope immediately fell at her side and began checking her pulse as JJ swore loudly, crying and throwing his hands around, pacing backwards and forwards, as kie rang an ambulance.

The ambulance came, allowing only kie to come with them, JJ speeding after it on his motorbike with pope on the back. This was his fault. He had done this to her. The last thing he told her was to stop crying. And now all he wanted was to hear her, hear her cry, laugh, speak, shout, anything. He just needed her to be okay. He needed her.

Chapter summery-
Riley heads back to her old house, upset, whilst JJ goes home. The hot tub scene happens, whilst Riley grows worse and ends up overdosing on pills. The pogues find her and JJ regrets everything.

If you're struggling with depression, and are having dark thoughts, please reach out to someone. I promise things get better. My messages are open for anyone that needs to talk.


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