A New Day, A New Face...es!

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She waved us off as my line began to inch upwards one by one.

The gate keeper lady smiled as she ushered us in after a quick inspection.
"Welcome, please step inside! Good morning, welcome!"

I nodded and hurried up the stairs as I looked at my wrist watch,

6: 50am.

Classes started at 7 am as I recalled.

I turned left and walked down the hallway, which felt so surreal, as if I were in an actual hospital wing!
My head spun eagerly and my legs picked up a small pace as I looked at the classroom number,

"This must be it. I can't wait!"
I giggled.

"Me either! Hi, I'm Nadiya!"
A girl with jet black hair and brown eyes smiled at me.

"Hi, I'm Jessica, but people call me Jess. It's nice to meet you!"
I smiled, shaking her hand.

"First step in is the best I've heard. My brothers came to study here, said it's the best place to study. Just watch out for a teacher named... Ovitar? Octan... something?"
She shrugged.
I nodded and we stepped inside.

The room was a usual classroom with tiled floors that were prestine, a teachers desk that was almost empty, a white board and desks that were just one sided so we went in and out through the left.

I picked a seat in the middle towards the wall, having a full view of the board but kept my distance from possible distractions.
Nadiya sat at my left and placed her belongings at the bottom of her seat.

I followed suit and readied my notebook and mechanical pencil.

I could hardly contain myself and looked at my schedule once more.

My heart sank as I recalled Nadiyas words,
"Watch out for a teacher named... Ovitar..? O tan..? Something?.."

I gulped, whispering the name under my breath as the door swung open that same instant.

I tried not to sink into my seat as a tall man with messy jet black hair, a blue shirt, jeans and navy converse shoes came walking in with a backpack slinged over his right shoulder, his left wrist adorned with bracelets and the air of such coldness.

He turned to face the class and I died inside.
His face was dead, almost as if he had been awake for a week straight, a beard that was trimmed but lined his face from his side burns to his chin and a small, groomed moustache under his nose.
His eyes, blue, no Hazel, scanned over the room as he took account of all our faces.

That's a face I'd not like to see for a whole semester....

His voice was just as cold and monotone as he looked like,
"Morning. My name is Octavian Estivan, and I'll be your; Microbiology, Biochemistry, and Parasitology Professor for the entire semester. Anyone having trouble with that set up can take their things and resign from this school, good bye, have a happy life!"
He growled, his blue whiteboard marker twidling in his fingers as he wrote on the board.

Oi.. such a warm welcome I'd say...

"WHO," his voice thundered and rebounded inside the white classroom walls, "Is complaining about our situation already?"

The whole class froze and shuddered.

"No one..?" he smirked coldly, "Then the lot of you miscreants have detention during the break and are not to leave the room until I Say So!"
He boomed, making me flinch slightly.

As of on cue, the boy stood and audiably gulped.

"You should be scared. Go to the Head Principals office and tell her why it is you were sent and nothing but the truth, by whom and what time."
He huffed.

Healing Hearts! Precure! - A Fanmade Precure StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon