It felt like hours just looking at her. Every time I blinked I felt I was going to miss something or someone was going to take her away.

"Vance," calls a voice.

I hold my breath but it doesn't help. Cleo finds me behind the tree and smiles sadly.

"You have to come back to the castle now," Cleo explains.

"They will take her away," I blubber. "I won't see her."

Cleo holds out her hand and I take it. She doesn't let go of my hand or speak another word until we entered the castle.

"Father is going to punish me isn't he?" I ask Cleo.

"I don't know," Cleo murmurs. "Mother has been worried."

The last thing I wanted was for Mother to be upset. Cleo led me to the birthing room and left as soon as I walked through the door.

"Vance?" says a anxious voice. "Is that you."

"Yes Mother," I answer and walk over to the bed.

Father was sleeping on a chair right next to her. He also had a worried complexion on his sleeping face.

"My pup I was so worried," she sobbed and pulled me into her arms.

"Be careful not to squash Serenity," I caution.

"Who is Serenity," Mother asks, clearly confused.

I hold out her baby and tears leak into her eyes. "You named her?"

I nod. "She told me her name was Serenity."

"I guess that is her name then," my Mother smiles. "Her brother has missed her."

I looked at my Mother confused then she pointed to a crib near the window. I walked over to it and saw a little baby boy with sun-kissed skin like Father and a mop of black hair. Although he was sleeping, I could see his eyes were red and puffy from crying.

"His name is Adder," Mother informs me. "And is Serenity's twin brother."

I stroke my finger across his black mop and his eyes flicker open. He instantly begins to cry. High pitched wails fill the chamber.

"He wants his sister," Mother says of the cries.

"She's mine," I say protectively.

"Vance please put Serenity in the crib," Mother begs.

I close my eyes and put her in the crib next to Adder. Serenity fumbles her hand out of the blankets and clutches her hand onto Adder's hand. He instantly stops crying and falls back to sleep. With Serenity out of my clutch, tiredness hits me like a punch to the head. I notice the dark sky and stars twinkling at me. I stumble over to my Mother and fall asleep as soon as I hit the bed.

I stop tickling her and look into those forever mesmerizing eyes. She strokes my cheek and I kiss her hand.

"I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too," Serenity smiles shyly.

But there was something behind those words that I wasn't sure about.

Rowenna's P.O.V.

I walk out of the palace and I welcome the heat that usually annoys me. I wasn't going to be feeling it for a long time. After Aegon and I's escapade, I changed into a brown gown with a off the shoulder, loose bodice until just under my breasts where a brown riding corset is fastened. The skirt at the front finishes just bellow the knees but the back of the skirt trails the ground. The top of the bodice was embroidered with blue roses. I felel strong arms wrap around my waist and I lean my head against Aegon's shoulder. One by one, Cleo, Vance, Killian, Stag, Hunter, Caprio, Serenity, Adder, Maia and Luca walk out the palace say good-bye to Aegon and mount their horses. There was also a carriage and more than 80 servants travelling with us.

I turn around to see face to face with Aegon. He has a crooked smile on his face.

"Let's not say goodbye because we will see each other again soon," Aegon says.

"I will agree to that," I smile. "Please don't do anything rash while I am away."

"You mean thousands of parties with millions of whores and courtiers?" Aegon smirks.

"Exactly," I smirk back.

Aegon starts to sniffle and pulls me into a crushing hug. I return it with all my might but do not spill the tears that are forming in my eyes.

"I will love you until this world plummets into nothing," Aegon muffles.

"I will love you for longer," I reply into his chest.

Aegon lets go and I kiss his lips softly. I turn away from my Viper and walk towards my horse. My legs and heart tell me to run back to Aegon but my mind tell me to mount that horse. I climb onto San at the front of the procession.

"To Winterfell," I yell and lightly kick San's side for her to move.

We moved away from the Palace of Sunspear and I quickly turned my head to see Aegon for the last time, possibly forever.


All of you must say good-bye to Aegon for now because next chapter is Robb. Don't be a silent reader and please follow me and like this book. Also subscribe to my Youtube channel : Rowenna Baratheon

~Mischeif Managed and Winter is Coming~

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