New beginning..

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As I woke up on my bed I was excited. Excited to finally enter my new school! I then lifted myself up and quickly made my bed. I rushed over to pour myself coffee and ate my pancakes.

"What a weird combination."

I starred down at the food.


I shrugged continuing to read my favourite fanfic. As you clicked Fanpad I noticed a fan fiction called 'One Last Time.." I clicked on it and began to read. The starting started of with someone screaming and begging for someone to stay but they left anyways. A huge nova like explosion then occurred causing Y/N to black out. I was so drawn into the fanfic that you didn't noticed the time.

"8:00?! I woke up at 7:00!!"

You turned off your phone and headed to shower. You then took off your clothes and headed in the shower. When you were finished it was already 8:15.

"Ah.. gotta run."

You said to yourself as you put on your uniform. It was a black turtle neck with a black coat over and some black pants.

"Sheesh. Didn't expect it to be so formal. But it looks beautiful."

You said as you looked into the mirror admiring it. You then checked your watch.

"Oh shi- shoot!"

You stopped yourself and rushed to grab your crimson red bag and ran out of the door shutting it behind you. You then barely catch up to the bus and quickly got on while breathing heavily. You then looked up to see where you could sit down but was surprised to see lots of people with uniforms similar to your uniform. You then found a seat and sat down.


The person next to you whispered to you. You then looked up to see who it was and was met with dark green charming eyes and a gleeful smile.

"I haven't seen you here. Are you the new girl/ boy/person the whole school has been talking about?"

He chuckled


You said in surprise

"Yup! And I got the honours to be the first person from Emelin High to talk to you!"

He smiled again. You then nervously chuckled and returned back to your phone reading the previous fanfic you were reading.

After the explosion happened you slowly woke up with someone next to you. Someone with red crimson eyes and white hair with a stroke of red on his front hair. You tried sitting up but couldn't

"Rest. Calm down."

He said while he placed his bandage hand on your stomach. You tried to looked at what happened to your stomach but only catch a glimpse. Blood. Disgusting. You thought and quickly turned off your phone.

After sometime you finally reached your destination, you stood up along with like the whole entire bus and everyone then squished together heading for the exit. As you squished in you felt a hand grab onto yours. You looked up to see who it was.. it was him. He gave you a smile and then silently told you to

"Follow me."

You nodded your head as you both swiftly moved closer to the exit. You both sighed and walk together to the grand school.

"Oh- I forgot to introduce myself to you."

He said to you

"My name is Venti, nice to meet ya~"

He introduced himself as he held out his hand


You said and shook his hand.

"Y/N.. thats a pretty name!"

He complimented you while jumping in front of you.

"Gah- thank you!"

You thanked him.

"Good enough to make a song!"

He chuckled


You looked up at him. He chuckled before he ran to the entrance. You quickly followed him and was met with 2 huge wooden doors covered with gold dripping out from the edge and nature like things coming out of it.


Venti yelled out as he opened the door. You then followed him.

"Ahah! Y/N what class do you have first?"

He asked you while turning around.

"Hm.. I think chemistry first."

You answered

"Oh hoh! Thats my class too!"

He smiled and then turned back around gesturing you to follow him. You caught up to him, when he finally stopped he opened the door with you shutting it.


Venti shouted to the whole class. The class stares at him with excitement


He shouted. You then sighed while hiding behind the door. You heard everyone stand up and start talking.


You whispered to him while giving him the death stare. He then nervously giggled at you and ran to his desk leaving you to be surrounded with people. You were very uncomfortable and started to panic.


A voiced loudly yelled out, followed by a pen being slammed down on the desk.

"Leave her/him/them alone."

The voice ordered. Everyone then started to walk back to their desks as they talked and whispered to each other.

You then looked up to see one person standing in front of you..

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