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kyoujurou pov

the drug had started to take effect on her, the first few days were the worst. she had been burning up with a fever while coughing up black blood, which we had assumed were muzans cells. senjuro was the most worried out of all of us, even though i had explained to him that this was expected.

kyoujurou:" dont worry you go rest ill take care of her"

senjuro:" but nii-san"

i patted his head

kyoujurou:" when she wakes up she will be very tired, so to help make lots of her favorite food to help her regain her energy ok?"

senjuro:" em!"

even though i said not to worry seeing her in pain is already worrying enough. yushiro had said it would die down in a few days and she will br able to get up again, but just sitting here an watching her fight while i did nothing pains me. i changed the cold towel on her head and wiped the sweat of her face, and i held her hand. she had lost so much strength to the point what strength that should've been enough to break my hand could barely even make a dent. " do you're best sen ill be waiting, once this is all over lets go to the swordsman village i heard the hot springs there are good for the body".


the blood that she had coughed up eventually got less and her complexion got better, at this rate she should wake up soon and make a full recovery. i smiled and patted her head before heading out for a mission.

kyoujurou:" senjuro take care of sen while im out"

senjuro:" be careful nii-san"

as much as i would like to stay behind and watch over her i cannot ignore my duties as a hashira, ill quickly slay the demon and head back. after the incident in the swordsman village there's only 3 upper moon left, the chances of us meeting one during a mission has become less and less and its mostly around lower moon level demons appearing that needs a hashira. we will be able to take it easy for awhile before the pillar training begins.

3rd person pov

after kyoujurou left for his mission aoi visited the rengoku estate to help out along with shinobu who was there to check the effectiveness of the drug.

shinobu:" hmm thats good the drug is working well"

senjuro:" when will sen nee-san be able to wake up shinobu nee-san?"

aoi:" she'll wake up when she wakes up now stop worrying you'll start growing wrinkles before you even turn 20 at this rate"

shinobu:" aoi is right, senjuro dont worry to much sen would be sad to see you like this when she wakes up right?"

aoi:" you have already done a good job taking care if her so far the rest all depends on time, she might even wake up today"

senjuro:" i hope so"

shinobu bid senjuro goodbye to head back to the butterfly estate and continue with the drug development along with tamayo, aoi stayed a little longer to help bathe and change sens clothes before leaving. senjuro went on with taking care of her like he promised his brother he would while waiting for his return, "sen nee-san wake up soon nii-san has been waiting" he said. soon enough she started to wake up.

sen pov

i woke up in cold sweat my whole body was sore as if i had been asleep for decades, i heard someone sniffling beside me. i turned my head to see senjuro on the verge of tears.


he said while hugging me, i sat up and hugged him back while patting his head it seems i always worry him.

sen:" sorry for worrying you senjuro"

shinjuro then appeared upon hearing senjuro's cries.

shinjuro:" so you finally woke up huh, finally that brat can relax now"

sen:" brat? as in kyoujurou?"

shinjuro:" AH yea that brat has been sticking to you like moss and wouldn't stop worrying i could see eye bags start forming on that face of his"

i laughed awkwardly with a sweat drop.

sen:" speaking of which where is he right now"

senjuro:" nii-san is out on a mission right now"

shinjuro:" he should be back anytime now"

we all heard the front door slide open.

shinjuro:" speak of the devil. OI BRAT COME HERE"

he shouted towards the entrance.

kyoujurou:" father? did something happen why are you standing there"

he came rushing over his eyes widened when he saw a teary senjuro hugging me who was finally awake. i smiled and said

sen:" welcome back kyoujurou"

his eyes glistened, he rushed over and hugged me squishing senjuro in between us.

kyoujurou:" im back sen"

i caressed his face.

senjurou:" nii-shan... you're swuishin mee"

kyoujurou quickly backed off apologizing to senjuro, his father left to give a report go oyakata sama and senjuro went to grab be some food after being bedridden which just left me and kyoujurou by ourselves. without hesitation he held me and gave me a kiss, he licked my lips making me open them before he shoved his tongue in making me flustered and out of breath. i grabbed his shoulders trying to push him away to catch my breath but he pushed me down onto my futon before letting go, he laid his head on my stomach while hugging me.

sen:"kyoujurou are you mad?"

he stayed silent, i rubbed his back feeling a slight tremble.

kyoujurou:" why didnt you tell me about your suspicion"

ah he's mad about that.

kyoujurou:" why did you ask the other hashira to kill you behind my back"

he said with a trembling voice

sen:" so you are mad"

kyoujurou:" no im mad at myself for not being able to protect you like i promised, and im frustrated that i couldn't tell the burden you were carrying even preparing to sacrifice yourself"

i cupped his face and saw him with tears in his eyes, i sat up and pecked his nose and wiped his tears.

sen:" i know it was selfish of me to do so but i didnt want to worry you and hurt you, but i still ended up doing so im sorry i dont deserve you"

kyoujurou:" im the one who doesn't deserve you, if a few scratches could save your life im willing to get hurt as many times as it takes"

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