shall she take another step? or join the stranger, standing there.

45 0 5

Dabria looked down to her feet, and wiggled her toes.
Though tucked into her winter boots, she liked to imagine her feet bare, toes clinging the side of the bridge.
Looking passed her boots, she gazed half longingly, half disgusted at the water below.
why did it have to come to this?
She'd never been very suicidal before.
before what, dabria?
Before she realized.
realized what, dabria?
"Shut up."
She hadn't meant to say it aloud.
"But I hadn't said anything yet."
that wasn't you. you didn't talk that time.
She turned around, nearly losing her balance in the process.
Behind her stood a feminine figure, wearing a white button up, not buttoned all the way, with a red tie loosely tied around their neck. The person wore a black pleated skirt that barely reached their mid-knees. Despite it being mid-January and below 20 degrees, that was all they wore.
The person skin was fair and dark, like melted caramel, their hair curved and shiny- soft looking. Dabria immediately recognized that she was the inferior one.
Whoever this person was, it didn't matter. All she knew was that they were possibly the most alluring person she'd ever approached.
"I-I wasn't talking to you," she stuttered. "In fact, I hadn't even known you were there."
The person smiled. "Fair enough, I suppose."
There they stood, for a moment, while the cold air surrounded them harshly, capturing any warmth that thought it might survive.
The silence was almost too much to handle.
The strange person saved Dabria from it. "What are you doing up there? It's dangerous, you know."
"I know."
"I see," the stranger stepped forward, their bare feet crunching the snow beneath them. Even if Dabria could step back, she wouldn't have. "Then why are you up there, still?"
Her eyes snapped back into focus. "I don't see how that's any of your concern."
The stranger smiled softly. "I suppose it isn't. But I'm a curious being. So I must ask again, why are you up there?"
Dabria didn't know what came over her. Perhaps it was the way the stranger said it. Perhaps it was because the stranger had been slowly walking closer, so now they were nearly touching her. Perhaps it was because the stranger was so beautiful that she found herself not able to avoid the question any more.
"I'm done," she blurted. "With life. My parents are too much, I cant handle it anymore. Sure, I only have one year left before I'm free, but I can't wait that long. I'm done, I'm done, I'm done. I'm just done."
"Runaway, then."
Dabria's head snapped up, eyes narrowing slightly. "What?"
"There are other solutions than ending your life. You can leave in different ways. How do you know it won't get better?"
"I guess I don't. But I can't just runaway. I wouldn't be able to survive on my own. It would be better just to end it now."
"Look, I don't know you and you don't know me. But I've ran away. You could-" the stranger faltered before beginning again. "You could run with me?"
Dabria's jaw slacked. "I-I," she cleared her throat. "I don't even know your name, and you don't know mine."
The stranger took a dangerous step closer. "My name's Amara," they spoke softly, as if they were talking to an injured animal.
And maybe the were.
"Well, Dabria," she loved the way Amara said her name. With each syllable being pronounced slowly and carefully. "Will you run away with me?"
well, dabria?
which is it?
shall you take another step?
or will you join the stranger, standing there?
Dabria looked behind her, no longer longingly at the water.
Only disgusted at the dirty liquid.
Turning back around, she looked at the stranger, at Amara, at the beautiful being in front of her.
And she was no longer wary.
Only ecstatic at the possibilities.
Amara held out her hand, smiling softly. "Well?"
Dabria released a breath she hadn't known she was holding, and placed her hand on top of the other's. "Let's go."
Amara gripped onto her hand and helped her down from the ledge. Then, Dabria discovered that she is nearly half a foot shorter than the other.
"Wait- I need to pack a bag. With my things."
Amara smiled. "Of course. Meet me at the Wiscone gas station when you're done. I'll be there."
Unable to speak any more, she just nodded.
. . . . .
"Dabria? Is that you?"
your mother
it's your mother
"It is. Is it alright if I go out with a friend?"
why ask
it wont matter in the long end
because youre running with a stranger
why ask
why ask
why ask
"I suppose. Just wear your coat and bring your phone. Just be home before dark."
you cant
you wont
you wont
she doesnt know
you wont
she wont care
will she?
Crossing her fingers, she answered. "I will."
you wont
youre a liar
will she care?
who cares?
you dont
do you?
Dabria ran upstairs, ignoring the voices, however loud they are.
dont ignore us
dont ignore
She threw open her closet door, grabbing the largest bag she found.
It was her school bag.
what about school
your friends?
you have none
you wont get into scad
"Shut up," she mumbled under her breath.
She dumped out the contents of her bag.
She threw them under her bed, leaving her phone, notebooks, and pencil bag.
She went to her drawers and grabbed jeans, shirts, bras, underwear, socks.
what do you need
youve never packed before
pack wisely
you can always buy clothes
She put the clothes back.
She went to her sock drawer and looked underneath the contents to the disclosed pouch.
Grabbing it, she opened it to make sure the money was still there.
It was.
youre listening
maybe youre not as dumb as i thought
"Shut up."
Dabria threw the pouch into her bag and grabbed a few more things, a notebook that had belonged to her sister, her sister's old hoodie, her flags.
your sister's flags, you mean
"Shut up."
She went over to her shelf and grabbed three books.
Her favorites.
theyre only your favorites because they were hers
"Shut up."
Zipping up her bag, she crept down the stairs, making sure no one was there.
She ran to Wiscone gas station.
. . . . .
"That was quick."
Dabria turned her head and then noticed the former stranger, now ally.
why didn't you notice her before?
"Well, I didn't have much to pack."
Amara tilted her head curiously, before shrugging.
Dabria took the moment to take in the other's appearance.
The button-up and tie were no where in sight, possibly covered by the yellow hoodie. The skirt was replaced by black jeans and boots no covered her delicate feet.
Part of her was glad that she'd decided to cover up more, with the cold weather.
But screw her for missing the sight of her fair skin.
horny bitch
"Shut up," she muttered.
She shook her head, "Nothing."
"Anyway, I have a car. Do you want to use that or do it the old-fashioned way?"
"Car," she blurted. Amara smiled at her quick response.
"I-I mean, it's just cold and shit."
"And shit," Amara smiled.
this is awkward
"Should we get going then," Amara held out her arm.
She took it. "We shall."

(1260 words)
June 3, 2021
(Edited on August 14, 2021)
hey guys, gals, and non-binary pals
just thought of something funny
so i go by alex on the internet.
what if i used a/n as alex/note lol
i hope yall enjoyed this first chapter
please dont be ghost readers and comment
i would love to read them
and reply lol
also give me theories and shit
suggestions too
and corrections lol
thats it
bye ig?

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