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Imagine this is the campout scene and you're Benny's girlfriend.


Third Person POV:

Y/N just got into the treehouse where they were having a campout.

"Hi boys," said Y/N.

"Hi Y/N," the boys replied. You might be thinking, 'Why isn't Y/N uncomfortable being the only girl and all?'. Well, it's because they are all like brothers to her, except Benny, of course.

"Hi darling," said Benny while giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi love," said Y/N, sitting down on the floor next to him.

"Hey guys. Sorry I'm late. My mom made me put on my jacket, and do the dishes," said Smalls, sitting on a chair in front of Ham.

Not long after him arriving, the boys started taunting him, "Your poor little mommy made you do the big, bad dishes," Kenny remarked.

"Leave him alone, Kenny, gosh, are you that cranky because you haven't had your nap yet?" Y/N says, rolling her eyes jokingly and Benny putting an arm around her.

"Shut up Y/N, I don't need or want a nap," Kenny says while scowling. "Well, it sure looks like you do," Y/N responded. Kenny just rolled his eyes in response.

"Hey, you want a s'more?" Ham offered Smalls. "Some more what?" Smalls asked.

"No, no, you want a s'more?" Ham asked again.

Y/N and Benny didn't want to be a part of the boy's pillow fight, so they laid down next to each other and started listening to Ham and Smalls' conversation.

"I haven't had anything yet, so how can I have some more of nothing?" Smalls asked Ham.

"You're killing me, Smalls. These are s'mores stuff. Okay, pay attention," he told the other, grabbing the ingredients sitting in front of him."First, you take the graham. You stick the chocolate on the graham. Then, you roast the 'mallow. When the 'mallow's flaming, you stick it on the chocolate. Then, you cover it with the other end. Then, you scarf," said Ham while showing a step-by-step on how to make it.

"Hey darling, do you want one?" Benny asked Y/N.

"Yes, please," said Y/N as he got up from the floor, and brought Y/N a s'more.

"Thank you, love," Y/N told Benny as he laid down again in the floor next to her.

"No problem," replied Benny while pecking her lips and cuddling her to his chest.

"Okay, quiet, you guys," Squints softly commanded to everyone while sitting in a top bunk. No one paid attention.

"Quiet! Are you trying to wake it up?" warned Squints a little louder than before, and it bought everyone's attention.

"It just went to bed, " Squints said.

"What just went to bed?" asked Smalls.

"Shh, the Beast," answered Squints. The group all shushed Smalls.

"Oh, yeah," he replied.

"Shh!" They all shushed him again. "Shh, now, quiet," Squints continued, "The legend of The Beast goes back a long time..."

He proceeded to tell the infamous story, capturing everyone's attention.

"So, The Beast sits there under that lean-to, dreaming of the time when he can break the chain and get out; dreaming of the time he can chase and kill again," finalized Squints.

Y/N turned and looked at Smalls. "See, Smalls? That's why you can't go over there. Nobody ever has. Nobody ever will."

"One kid did, but nobody ever saw him again," said Ham.

"That ain't true," contradicted Y/N.

Ham turned to look at Y/N while munching on a s'more. "Yeah, it is, he got eaten."

"Nuh-uh, no, none of that's true. You guys are just making this up to scare me." Smalls said, obviously unfazed.

"Oh, yeah? Stick your head out that window and look down." said Squints while getting down from the bunk bed and pointing his finger to the window. While everyone was hiding in a corner, Smalls got up to the window to look down.

Y/N was scared and she hid her head deeper on Benny's chest. He wrapped an arm around her, the other arm busy holding his bat, and kept kissing her temple. He comforted her by telling her that she's safe and that he'll protect her, keeping a firm grip on his bat and on his girlfriend that he loved very much.

Smalls screamed, and whisper-shouted, "He's down there."

"You bet he is," Squints told, no surprise in his voice.

"Whatever goes over that fence... stays there," said a scared Y/N.

"It becomes the property of The Beast...forever," said Squints. There was a moment of silence until Ham decides to break it.

"Well, I'm exhausted... Let's go to sleep everyone," said Ham. Everyone agreed and started getting ready to sleep.

"Oh man," Y/N sighed.

"What's wrong darling?" asked Benny after finishing setting up for bed.

"I forgot my sleeping bag," answered Y/N disappointedly.

"Well, you can share mine if you want. We can cuddle," said Benny trying to persuade her to sleep with him. Eventually, she agreed and laid her head on his chest, almost falling asleep instantly.

As she drifted to sleep, the last thing she heard was Benny saying, "Goodnight my love, hope you have sweet dreams," while stroking her hair gently. She fell asleep by the sound of his heartbeat and around his safe arms.


Hope you guys liked it, I will also be taking request in which plot I should write next.

Hope you have an amazing day or night!

Bye :D.

Benny Rodriguez ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora