"Hmmm... well I think that they're all very good options but they're just no going with what I want this song to be." 

They all look at me in question. Are they waiting for me to tell them what I want?

"Maybe we could try a little electro-pop type beat? I know we don't do that often but I think it's gonna work. I'm not crazy guys I just have some plans for this song that I can't describe just yet."

"But Tadashi you remember how that worked out last time right? Maybe-" Koji, one of my guitarists, starts

"You should know that we don't bring that up anymore, right Koji?" I snap back.

The room is silent as I walk out "I gotta go work on some more lyrics, catch you guys later."

[ timeskip an hour ] same pov:

"Hey Tadashi" Kei greets me as I sit down. We met up at our favorite place to eat since we were kids, Zen X. The waiter already knows our orders, they just welcome us and make our usuals.

"Hey.. how's work going?" 

"It's a slow day today but it's been good. What about you, any new songs in the making?"

"Actually yeah, I was working on some lyrics while waiting for my break. Me and the guys had a little disagreement earlier on what we're doing for the beat but we worked it out. I wanted to try electro-pop again"

"HA I remember what happened last time with that. In all honesty, it wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be, it was you guys' first album and everyone was asking for some new stuff." he laughed 

"That's what I'm saying! They should've set their expectations lower for us." It's always nice to meet up with him, I needed a good laugh.

"Oh by the way, what did you want to talk about, you seemed worried on the phone."

"Yeah about that-"

"Nice seeing you guys again, it's been a bit." our waiter says while putting our food on the table.

"Nice seeing you too, we need to come more but y'know with work and all.." Kei says 

"Oh I get it, anyways hope you enjoy"

"Yeah thanks" we say together


We start eating but neither one of us seems to be enjoying it as much as usual.

"God, please just let it out" I complain "I can see how uncomfortable you are,"

He's silent for a moment. A long moment. He looks up at me and finally says

"What's up with that 'Hoodies' song? I thought you and Oikawa were doing good? You never told me otherwise"

Now I'm the silent one 

"What are you talking about? Me and him are doing just fine, my fans just need some new stuff. Angst songs are doing really well right now"

He looks at me "You think I can't tell you're lying right now? I've know you forever, now come on, I know something is bothering you."

I look up at him, and then at my plate "He cheated on me. Kei, he cheated on me. With Iwaizumi. His fucking ex. He lied to me" my voice drops after that last sentence.


"Tadashi. Tadashi look at me." He lifts my chin up, "I'm so sorry, I knew I should've talked you out of it, but you seemed so happy. I wish I could've known sooner. That asshole never did and never will deserve you. If you need anything you always can call me. I'll make time for you,"

"Kei stop it, I know this but it isn't your fault, I was just foolish. Let's not let this ruin our lunch okay? I'm gonna be fine I promise. I will call if I'm not okay?" I check the time "I've got 35 minutes left of my break, so let's catch up a little." I give him a reassuring smile

"..Okay, let's talk" he smiles back


We talked and ate but eventually we had to get back to work. After paying, we said our goodbyes and head on our own ways. Back at the studio, we worked on some run throughs, cycled through different beats and soon enough the day was over. 

Back at home it was pretty normal, I made myself a microwave dinner and watched whatever show was on until I got tired. 


authors note!!

hi loves! I can't believe I haven't posted since july but this story has gotten so much love. thank you guys so much, you mean so much to me. make sure to vote if you enjoyed the first real chapter!

 make sure to vote if you enjoyed the first real chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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