"The Second Kick."

Start from the beginning

  Xiaoping moved his cellphone from his ear and looked down at it in disbelief. Mr. Mitnickl had just refused to help him and hung up on him? His phone rang again and he answered. It was more bad news. By the millions, his money was vanishing. He knew that it was Gu Hai. He could feel it in his soul. He felt helpless. Where was his money going? He threw his phone against the wall and screamed. He refused to believe that Gu Hai had beaten him.

 When the phone hit the wall, Ying Yue jumped. She heard Xiaoping stomp out of the room. His bodyguards followed close behind. She got up from the bed and went to the door, putting her ear up to it once more. Her hand went to move her hair behind her ear and she realized that her hair was short now. She frowned and thought, good, Xiaoping deserved everything that was happening to him! How dare he cut her hair!

  “Show me the picture once more,” said the elderly woman who ran a small food stall.
  “I’ve shown you four times already,” Yang Meng said, rolling his eyes upwards.
  “Show me again,” she said, “my eyes aren’t as they used to be.”
  Yang Meng showed her the picture. “Look for a longer amount of time,” he said dryly. He gave her side eye and shifted his feet impatiently. 
  “No,” she said, “I haven’t seen her. Is she your wife?”
  Yang Meng’s eyes twitched. “My wife,” he squealed in a high pitched voice. He couldn’t believe the words coming out of the old woman’s mouth. He thought about Gu Hai and how he referred to Bai LuoYin as his wife. He wondered if he was You Qi’s wife. He blushed at the thought and looked up at the sky. 
  “So,” said the woman, “is she your wife?”
  Yang Meng looked back down at her and frowned. He walked away, thinking, I’m only one man’s wife. He stuck his chin high up into the air and pouted his pink lips.

  Gu Hai was pleased. Chao informed him that so far, one hundred million yuan had been sent to charities across the globe. He also reassured him that no one would ever be able to find out who hacked Xiaoping’s accounts and gave up Xiaoping’s private cell number after.
  Gu Hai stood on the balcony overlooking the city. The sun looked back at him, ready to set from a long day. He took a deep breath and hung up the phone. He closed his eyes and felt the warm breeze blow across his face. He felt stressed, but knowing that Xiaoping was starting to pay for what he had done made him feel better. He took another breath and let it out slowly. He felt powerful. Chao was so good at what he did that not even the government would catch him. In fact, the government had tried to persuade Chao to work for them, but Gu Hai had beaten them by offering him a bigger salary with a lesser workload. 
  He leaned on the railing and looked out at the setting sun. He thought about Ying Yue and their unborn child. His brain couldn’t even take a break because he thought about Bai LuoYin next, then Jiang Yifei and how stressed she must be. He lifted his phone and dialed Xiaoping’s private number. He listened to it ring once and then it went straight to voicemail. He moved the phone away from his ear and frowned. Why didn’t Xiaoping answer? He thought for a second and then dialed his best friend. 

  Bai LuoYin had to admit, he had very good friends. He listened to You Qi and Yang Meng on a three way call. They insist on helping out. They wanted to do everything in their power to be useful. He finally accepted their help and hung up the phone. He might as well let them do whatever they wanted, he thought. Yang Meng would end up doing it anyway. The thought brought a smile to his face but quickly vanished. He thought of Gu Hai. Somehow he had become distant, wandering off in the hotel without a word. He got up and went to find his other half. 
  He found him standing on the balcony, looking out at the sky, a worried look upon his face. He was about to go check on him but stopped himself. He leaned against the wall and eyed his husband up and down. He looked so drained. Had he slept? Had he even eaten anything? It was always Gu Hai that made sure he was well fed and even bathed for the day. His brain replayed an event from his past. Besides your father, no one will love you more than me, Gu Hai had said to him once. The thought brought a smile to his lips. 
  He went into the kitchen and found that there was nothing he could prepare for his husband to eat. He sighed, pulled out his phone, and ordered something for them to eat. When the delivery man arrived, he paid and tipped very generously, then he went into the kitchen, pulled out four bowls, divided the food into four equal parts and went to call Gu Hai.

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