lunch Part 1

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"jess wake up your going to be late" i heard someone say i opened my eyes to see my dad at the door "late for what" i asked sitting up rubbing my eyes "for school i'll be waiting down stairs for you"he said then left. i got up and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine witch is taking a shower and washing my face. after i was done with all of that i picked out a casual outfit and put on some makeup, i only wear mascara and some lip gloss i never really liked makeup like other girls do. "your going to do fine" i told myself looking in the mirror "jess your going to be late" my dads voice startled me i grabbed my bag and ran down stair's "you ready?" he said opening the front door i took a deep breath "yeah" i said walking out the house into the car. 

"okay were here" my dad said i looked out the window and saw the school and some kids walking i took a deep breath "hey don't worry you'll do great" my dad said i smiled and nodded "love you dad" i said opening the door "love you too have a great day" i heard then walked into the school. i walked into the front office to get my schedule "can i help you" one of the lady's said "uh yes i'm here for my schedule" i said playing with my fingers "name?" she asked "jessica perez". as she was typing in my name i was looking back at the door that leads to the rest of the school "here you go" she said handing me a slip i looked at my classes and they weren't that hard to find since most of them were in front of the school.

 i walked out the office to go to class and i bumped into someone "sorry" i said looking up "no it's okay your fine" the boy said i just looked at him "you new here?" he asked "is it that obvious?" i asked. he laughed a little "eh you just look a little lost my names kairi" the boy said "i'm jessica but you can call me jess if you want" i said "do you wan't me to show you around?" kairi asked "please" i said. kairi showed me around the whole school until it was time to go to class "okay well i'll see you around?" he asked "sure" i said walking into the class. after a couple of classes it was finally lunch time this was the hardest part of the day.

Mattia's pov: 

Me and the boys were at lunch waiting for the lines to go down to get food and i could tell they were getting board "hey lets play a game" ale said sitting up "sure" i said sitting up "uh what about truth or dare?" he asked "alright truth or dare" i asked "truth" he said quickly "do you miss katie?" i said with a little laugh at the end he stared at me for a while "no" he said i knew it was a lie though "okay asshole it's my turn now truth or dare" "uhh dare" i said he was looking around the room for a little "i dare you to ask that girl out and date her for 6 months" he said pointing across the room i looked over and saw a girl walking in she is pretty and stuff but idk "come on give me another one" i said "no sir i did mine now you do your's" he said "fine" i rolled my eyes and made my way to the girl.

Kairi' pov:

i walked into the cafeteria and saw ale sitting at a table so i went over there "wassap bro" i said dabbing him up "nothing i dared mattia to ask the new girl out" new girl? what new- omg jess!

Jessica's pov:

i walked into the cafeteria to get some food even though the lines were long i was willing to wait. when i was walking in the corner of my eye i saw someone walking up to me. i looked over and saw a boy he was very tall and had fluffy hair wait is he coming to me? i turned back to the lines to get food. a couple of seconds later i felt tapping on my shoulder. "hey" he said "uh hi" i said leaning on the pole next to me "you new here?" he asked am i making it that obvious? this is getting annoying  "yeah actually why?" i asked getting up from the pole "okay well you can come sit with us since i'm sure you have no friends yet" ouch "oh uh- yeah sure" i said  "okay well the table is over there you can come when your done getting your food" he said pointing at the table across the room "okay um is the food here good?" i asked unsure if i should stay in line or not. he put his hand in his pockets "lets just say it taste like shit" he said with a smile witch made me laugh. 

i looked up at him and he was staring at me with this weird face not like creepy weird more like a cute weird look. "so i never got your name" i said walking a little closer to him because it got crowded "mattia" he said wow not bad "what about your's?" he asked leaning on the pole "i'm jessica but you can call me jess if you wan't" i said "alright so i figured your not going to eat any of the food here now so you wanna go sit at the table?" he asked "yeah sure". we stared walking over to the table and i was looking around the room and it looked like everyone was eye baling me "don't worry about them staring" mattia whispered in my ear witch was unexpected why is he being so nice to me?

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