Todd and princess carolyn

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"Todd you don't even look like me at all."
Bojack sat on his bed as Todd walked in and out his room in different bojack costumes

"But bojack I don't have anymore costumes this is my last oneee" Todd whined and moaned,slouching his shoulders and losing hope

"Ughhh fine it's good enough, I'm sure princess Carolyn will see through it though"


"Heya bojack have you finally got your shit together?" Princess Carolyn sat down at her desk as "bojack" sat in the chair infront of her

"Uhh think Todd what would bojack say?"
Todd panicked clearly realising he hasn't though this through

"Brr brr grumpy grump!" He muttered out crossing his arms

"Oh classic bojack, you need to stop this" She sighs and facepalms

"Anyway bojack you've got an offer to be in an upcoming super hero movie! Resistance of green torch:A holy story!"
She stressed out her arms and smiles imagining the butt loads of cash she'd get from that

"Uhh Sure ill do it. I-i umm Now get me a beer woman!" Todd shouts out imitating bojack as he gets some concerned glares from outside of the door

"Bojack I don't do that anymore, anyway I'll email the company and tell them youve accepted then I'll email you the details okay?" She smiles pulling over her laptop and starting to type

"Yeah I guess..." He stands up and leaves princess Carolyn alone to type

"Wow that was close, hey I wonder how bojack is right now?"

(Yo sorry its short I tried to imitate how an average episode kinda has two plots and they intertwine somehow)

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