
13 3 0

He watched her as they laid side by side in the early morning hours.

She was fast asleep with her facial features softened by the moonlight.

He had been watching her for a while, studying her.

 lost in his own thoughts.

Wondering what he did

What, Why, and how he ended up with someone like her?

He felt a lump in his throat becoming overwhelmed with emotion

A soft whimper was heard throughout the dimly lit room.

His lip quivered, he was about to break.

He was slowly losing himself.

Hot steamy tears rolling down his face. 

What was inaudibly said from his cold lips 

"Please stay."

The sun started to rise over the trees as the orange golden glow lit up,

The once dimly lit room

He gulped back his tears and looked to his side 

To find an empty space next to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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