my attempt at a depressed bakugou story

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"IT'S ALWAYS BEEN YOU!" Midoriya screamed, finally letting out all of his problems. "YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THE SOURCE OF MY PROBLEMS, BAKUGOU."

Bakugou along with the rest of the people in the common room flinched. Not once in the time that they had known the green haired boy had they heard him call Bakugou by his real name. Bakugou could feel the tears welling up in the backs of his eyes.

"I-" He started. "It was never... IT WAS NEVER MY FAULT!" He screamed back. He was frustrated. He hated it when people jumped to conclusions about his emotions. "IT WAS NEVER. IT NEVER WAS, NEVER IS, AND IT NEVER WILL BE!" He was venting, just as Midoriya had. The tears started to fall. "IT WAS NEVER ME. IT WAS ALWAYS HER, SHE-"

A phone rang.

Bakugou sniffled. He realized it was his own phone. He ripped it out of his pocket, already having an idea of who it was. He stared at the caller ID for a moment. He pressed the green button on the left side.

"You're coming home for the weekend." A cold female voice said quietly. He shivered, his eyes widening. "8am sharp. No more or less or there will be consequences." More tears slipped down his face. He heard a beep come from his phone, signaling the end of the call. From then, he stormed up to his room for the rest of the night leaving everyone shocked.


Midoriya felt bad.

I mean, he didn't feel like he should have felt bad, he just did. Bakugou of all people was crying, and- and he wasn't used to that.

When Bakugou didn't show up to school, everyone who was in the common room during the argument (everyone) was worried. Midoriya especially. He decided he would tell Aizawa about what happened and hopefully have him do something about it.


In hindsight, he guessed, he should have expected this.

While wallowing in his self grief, dreading what would come from the beating the next day on the weekend, he forgot to go to school. I mean, he didn't necessarily forget, he just didn't want to face his class after crying in front of them for the first time. It didn't matter much anyways. Even if the hag somehow figured out he didn't attend school that day, it would just add onto the inevitable beating to come.

He honestly didn't think anyone cared enough to visit, so he assumed was alone for the day.

And he was partially right. No one bothered him for hours, but when school let out Aizawa went to visit the boy.

"Bakugou." A deep, muffled voice sounded from behind his door. Said boy groaned quietly. "Are you asleep?"

"Yes, I'm asleep, go the fuck away." Bakugou ground out loudly.

"I need to talk to you. Please come outside." Aizawa said.

"Are you fucking high or just naturally ignorant? I obviously don't want to fucking talk to you, don't fucking push it." Bakugou replied, the colorful words and rude tone spilling out of his mouth with practiced ease.


"Fuck. Off. I'm not going to fucking say it another damn time, Aizawa." He cut off. During the entire conversation, he was in his bed, in his pitch black room, arms and hands under his pillow, his head resting above it.

He heard a sigh.

"Fine, but I'm going to come by tomorrow and you better have answers ready." Aizawa said. Bakugou could basically see Aizawa rubbing his forehead.

"I'll be out for the whole weekend."

"Then I'll come early."

"I'm leaving early."

"Are you avoiding me?"


"Then expect me here early Monday."

Bakugou could tell he wasn't going to win this fight. He groaned loudly. "What the fuck, sure, I don't care anymore. Just leave."

"Have a good night Bakugou."


Bakugou heard Aizawa's steps walking toward the elevator, and the elevator doors closing.

650 words (not including the a/n)
bakugou is a little ooc here, but who cares about the details?
hey. you having a good day? if not, you can rant in the comments. i don't mind :)

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