Création - 🌺 What hurts

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(Pareil que le chap précédent, j'ai modifié les pires fautes et laissé le reste. Enjoy)

Juillet 2021

I don't know what hurts so much
I feel like my heart is going to simply... disappear
Or maybe it's just the pain
I'm becoming numb...

It's unbearable
I wanna help but I cannot
I know I could help and be helped, but there is one problem - faith.

Do I trust them ? Do they trust me ?
Maybe, maybe not.

But it's scaring me.
You, always sad but never telling anything
But, my dear, I know

I know it's nothing less than a fake smile
A fake joy
How do I know that ?
Easy, easy as pie. I am smiling the same way, just like you, smiling to hold back the tears.

I know they smile like that too, your friends, mine, ours. I know, it's called "altruism", "empathy", but I call that suicide.
I know, my friends, that our smiles aren't always true.

Is it getting better ? Maybe yes...

Not for everyone.

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