Chapter 46: The Comeback

Start from the beginning

I didn't wanna live with my dad and Sharon, they were starting their own life together and I just felt like I was intruding, plus being around all the drugs and alcohol my dad would consume was like taking a kid to a candy store and that's just not what I needed. Sean found out I was worried and insisted on letting live with him until I could get my finances back in order and I could buy my own place.

Today was my last day in rehab. Kimberly, Kaine and Mindy had left over the last few weeks and so far they were all doing really well. I'd packed all my photos, certificates and all the little keepsakes I'd collected from my time here, and I was ready to face the next chapter in my life. I knew it was gonna be hard, I still had to say goodbye to my mum, but I knew that with the right people around me, and still going to therapy, I'd get through it.

I was stood on the porch with my suitcase and my bags, biting at my nails. It was a bad habit I'd started since I'd stopped the drugs. I heard the engine of a fancy sports car roar, while music played faintly in the background, growing louder the closer it got. I heard the horn beep obnoxiously as it came to a halt. I noticed Sean in the drivers seat wearing a black fur jacket and designer sunglasses with a huge smile on his face. Athena stood up on her seat and was as loud and crazy as ever.

"Come on, dude! Get your ass in here! We got shit to do" She yelled.

I felt the corners of my mouth turn into a smile and I squealed a little as I picked up my bags and case, stumbling down the steps in the ridiculously high wedges and skinny jeans I was wearing. Athena groaned and rolled her eyes before jumping out the car, grabbing my things for me and throwing them into the back seat of Sean's convertible.

I started looking around, realising there was no Razzle, no Duff and no Slash. "Uhhh... where's-"

"Get in, loser! We'll answer questions on the way" Athena barked as she got back into the car.

I raised my eyebrows and scoffed. I shook my head and rolled my eyes and climbed into the back seat, before Sean adjusted his sunglasses, turned the radio back up and sped off.


"So... where are we going?" I asked as I closed my eyes and put my head back, letting the wind blow through my hair and the sun beam down on my face. Of course I had freedom while I was getting clean but now I was really free and it felt amazing.

"We got you an appointment to get your nails, eyebrows, make up and hair done because GIRL! You can not be seen walking around with those split ends" Sean said sassily as he turned back to try and look at me.

I frowned and picked up a lock of my hair that was resting on my shoulder and started analysing the ends. As much as I hated to admit it, Sean was right. Even though I'd gained some weight back and didn't look like I was about to drop down dead anymore, I was in serious need of a makeover. My nails were plain and bitten, my eyebrows had grown out and my hair was so dull and lifeless. I'd never looked like this before.

We turned up to the old salon I used to go to out in Malibu, and Sean and Athena dragged me inside by my arms. My feet couldn't keep up with how fast they were going. They plonked me down in the chair and instantly, I had a cape around me and my usual girls picked up their tools and started working on me without even saying a single word. I thought it was amazing! I hadn't been here in months and they remembered what I always had done... at least that's what I thought.

I couldn't help but notice Sean kept looking down at his Rolex and Athena was pacing around, tapping her hands and fingers rhythmically on any surface she could, but it wasn't in her usual, goofing around way. Instead, she seemed to be really focused on something.

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