You're a Mikaelson

Start from the beginning

H: "You're right. Let's go"

As we make our way to my dads office, we run into Hope's parents

Klaus: "What are you two up to?"

Hope: "Going to tell her dad she's pregnant"

Klaus: "This is gonna be entertaining"

Hope: "How?"

Klaus: "Knowing Alaric, he'll probably try to kill you"

Jo: "Hopefully not"

Then we make it to my dads office. I take a deep breath before knocking on the door

Alaric: "Come on in. What do you guys need?"

Klaus: "Josie needs to tell you something very important, please don't overreact"

Alaric: "Why would I overreact"

Jo: "Because Hope got me pregnant"

Alaric: "Hope did what?!"

Klaus: "Got Josie pregnant"

Alaric: "I heard what she said!"

Hope: "Why are you yelling"

My dad takes a deep breath

Alaric: "I'm sorry for yelling. Now, how the hell did Hope do that?"

Jo: "We don't know, but she did and there is nothing we can do to change it"

Alaric: "Does your mom know?

Jo: "Yes, she took it way better than you did"

Klaus: "I assure you there is nothing to be mad about. Especially not at Hope"

Alaric: "I'm not mad at Hope"

Hope: "Oh, wow. We thought you were gonna try to kill me"

Alaric: "I would never try to kill you"

Jo: "Well, now that that is settled we're gonna go"

Me and Hope walk out and as we're on our way to her room, we run into Penelope

Penelope: "Hey Jojo, long time no see"

Jo: "Yea. Nice catching up, but we have to go"

Then Penelope grabs my arm. Hope snatches Penelope's arm off mine

Hope: "Don't"

Penelope: "I swear I meant no harm by that. I just wanted to say congratulations on the baby and I will keep my distance. Lastly I am so sorry for what I did to you at the party"

Jo: "Thank you and I'm way past that, so no need to apologize"

Me and Hope walk away but our luck seems to be absolutely horrible and we run into Landon

Hope: "Landon, we don't have time for you today much less ever and my day is going perfect so please go away"

Landon: "I don't care how good your day is going. She ruined my life I will get back at her for that. Please down give the "I will kill you if you touch her" threat either, because you won't"

Hope: "Who says so?"

Landon: "Her. Your promise remember? I know how you Mikaelsons are with your word"

Hope: "You're absolutely correct, but you also know what family means to us. She is my family, and my child is inside of her therefore don't fuck with me, because I definitely will kill you"

Landon: "Child? You're gonna take care of a different guys baby? Who's the dad?"

Jo: "Ok, we're done here"

I start to walk away but Landon doesn't me, he grabs me and puts a pocket knife to my throat

Landon: "What are you gonna do now, Hope?"

Hope: "I swear to god, you better let her go now"

Landon: "Or what? Hm? I suggest you break up with her and come back to the only person who actually loves you, or she and this baby is dead. I mean, I might as well kill it. It's not yours anyway"

Hope POV

Landon has Josie and is threatening me with her life and my unborn child's. Out of no where my mom vamp speeds to us and snaps his neck

Hayley: "So this is the guy your dad told me about?"

Hope: "Josie, are you ok?"

Josie: "I'm fine. Thank you"

Hayley: "No problem. I'm gonna lock him up so he can't hurt any of you"

Hope: "No dads gonna kill him. He already told him if he ever touches one of us again, he's dead"

Jo: "Let's go, I need to shower"

We walk the rest of the way to my room and Josie goes to take a shower. After that we go to bed

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