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Things have been going really bad for me. I've been over working recently with my pay still the same.

I look up from my laptop and I stretch. Taking off my glasses, I circle my hands around my eye and rub it. I've been busy with this laptop creating a perfect advertising theme for over 5 hours now.

Everyone had gone home buh I'm still working.

I open my eyes after rubbing it to see Zack.

Zack's my boss buh he insists I call him Zack.

"I see you're worn out hmm?" He asks as a smirk plays on his lips.

"Of course I am". I say as I yawn. "Zack....why are you doing this to me? You have up to 6 copywriters buh you choose me and you make me over work!" I say as I close my laptop and try to crack my neck bones which I do successfully.

"You're right. I have up to 6 copywriters. Buh these 6 copywriters aren't as good as you. I make you over work so you'd produce the best advertisement video".

"What? Does that make any sense to you at all?" I say to myself as I look away.

"Well, since you're so exhausted and stressed. Take a leave". Zack says as he walks out of the office.

I take a look at my table. It's still messy. I clear my table, tossing wastes into the bin and then I close my laptop and stuff it in my bag. I'm really tired. 

I walk out of the office locking the door after me. I walk down to the car park. I get in and shut the door after me. I take out my phone to text Anie. I'm coming to your house and there's no excuse this time. I type quickly and then I toss my phone to the seat next to me and I kick the ignition and I zoom off.

Well, lately I got a job. Modelling. I'm kinda a public figure plus I'm really good at it. Dunno how my schedule's gonna be.....if I have any appointments tomorrow....I really dunno. Buh I need to call Miley now and let her know I won't be on tomorrow.

I pull up at her house and then I take out my phone and dial Miley's number.

"C'mon Miles!" I say as I tap my finger on the wheel.

I grab my bag and step out of the car....locking it behind me. I knock at the door and then Cullen shows up with the door flung open.

"She's on a shift". Cullen says as I step in.

"Ma'am?" Miley says as I settle on the sofa.

"Do I have any appointments tomorrow? Any meetings to attend or conference?" I ask as I cross my legs and lean back against the sofa.

"You guys don't have a recliner?" I mouthed to Cullen buh then he walks out.

"No appointments. You have two meetings to attend and one conference. The meeting with Lexi Drew and the other with Vogue. Then a conference at Caleb's internship". Miley says.

"Urrrgghhh. Damn it! Time?" I ask as I place a hand on my forehead.

"Lexi's appointment's by 10 am. Vogue's by 12am and Caleb's by 3pm. Plus a client wants to meet with you. I got a business trip arranged for you. The client says y'all both going for a trip which she doesn't know how long it's gonna last". Miley deadpans.

"Tell Jenna to get me covered for Caleb's.  Now the business trip....who's this client? A client told you that we're both going for a business trip and you got it arranged without even finding out if I want to".

"Sorry". She said.

"Miley...tell the client that we can't see". I say as I turn on the tv.

"But ma'am-". She was still speaking then I hung up.

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