Chapter 23: The Charming Marquess

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing here?" She grumbled in whispers taking a step closer.

"I came to-" he started speaking in a nervous, breaking tone, raising the bouquet towards her.

"Put that away, at once, please." She stated in an annoyed voice and looking around her to ensure there were no watching eyes, she pulled him along to hide behind a tree.

"You should leave." She simply added after.

"I came to meet you and your mother. I believe I have some explaining to do-"

Esther raised a hand in the air cutting him off sharply."There is no need, Your Grace." 

Edward clenched his jaw at her words. His eyes went edgy with emotions that would certainly make a man wet his pants but Esther was already full of enough rage to get any intimidated.

She stood there under his gaze for a long moment.

"Are you going somewhere?" He asked in a plain voice.

"Yes, the Valentine Mansion, hence you must leave at once instead of causing me any more delays."

Her words stung his ears and he stepped back immediately to create an illusion of instant obedience. "You may leave then, I shall not stop you."

Esther's forehead turned into a mess of frowns. Clearly he was trying to make her feel guilty when he was the only one with a pile of sins on his wide shoulders. His fake hurt and compliance only enraged her more. "I shall not leave before I have seen you out, Your Grace. Also, I must request you to not see my mother unnecessarily." Esther stated emotionlessly. "I do not want her getting hurt with your lies."

"Certainly." He agreed instantly to Esther's surprise and took a few backward steps before turning around to leave.

Esther breathed a sigh of relief although she couldn't help but get pricked by faint guilt beneath her skin that she knew was unnecessary and baseless. She walked behind him as he strode towards the exit but before they could reach the gate, he suddenly turned around.

"Also, Miss Sherborne," He spoke looking straight into her eyes. "You don't have to address me as 'Your Grace' when no one is watching. I can see you hate lies, I shall not impose that on you when not necessary."

Esther did not know how to form a reply to that. Fortunately, he did not wait for one.

Taking a deep breath she decided to forget all about him and got on the carriage to the Valentines.

If their carriage was aesthetic then the mansion was beyond words. Royal purple curtains and drapes were adorning every possible nook of the place. The mansion was a huge building spread on a vast land with an even bigger garden in it's front.

Most flowers were purple. Various varieties of lavender were blooming around her as she walked on the padded pathway that ran across the heart of the heavenly garden. Nearest to the palace were tulips and the fragrance made her reconsider whether she should walk further towards the building or into the greens. Purples.

"Miss Sherborne!" Esther snapped her head to find Lady Valentine walking up to her. Her dress, a lighter shade of the same royal purple. "You came!" She exclaimed.

"Of course, I couldn't have not oblidged an invitation from the Marquess of Rosevale." Esther replied sweetly.

"Ah, yes. Women mostly find it difficult to refuse to him, although it is too bad he is not here at the moment."

"What?" Esther blurted out, "Where is he then? I hope he shall return shortly or I should come some other day."

"Oh, don't expect the answer to that from me, Miss Sherborne. He never informs me about his schedule. Free bird." Lady Valentine said with a chuckle while Esther's face started losing color. "In fact, I am not certain if he even remembers about your visit, but please, wait for him. You've come all this way, at least have a tour around the mansion." She smiled slyly and Esther tried her best to reciprocate.

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