"I would love to help but this requires staff, an OR and anesthesiologists. I can't ask for favors because I never did any favors for the other doctors and the nurses hate me"

"Well, I'm aware of that. But I have social capital. Derek Shepherd. My mother is Susan Ripa. I will try to find staff to help"

"If you can make that happen, I'll do it"

Alex and Lucy were kissing in the on-call room when he pulled away. "What is this about?" he asked. "Nothing, it's Halloween, I'm playing dress-up", she replied before leaning in to kiss him.

"I just need an OR and some equipment, chief", Kelly said. "My pro bono surgery slate is full", he said.


He came in with a bag. "Trick or treat", he said, smiling. "You get it? He's trick-or-treating, for ears", she said. Richard sighed. "I'll give the OR at 6pm", he said. She smiled and jumped in excitement and high-fived Ryan.

Kelly approached Bailey. "Do you think you could help me out with a really worthy pro bono surgery, Dr Bailey?" Kelly asked. "I am in a mountain full of paperwork because of the chainsaw incident that happened under my watch and I promised my husband I would see my son in his costume", Bailey replied. Ryan came over. "Trick or treat", he said. "Do you get it?" Kelly asked. "He's trick-or-treating? For ears!" Bailey exclaimed. Kelly made a sad face while nodding. "Fine", Bailey said. Kelly smiled. "Thank you, Bailey. Just find some surgical nurses to help", she said.

In the cafeteria, Meredith, Cristina and Holly were sitting down and eating. Izzie and George sat down bringing awkwardness to the table. Holly got up and stormed off. George got up and went after her. "Holly, I know you don't want to talk to me and you want nothing to do with me. But I'm the father of your baby, whether you like it or not. That is my baby", George said.

"You're wrong about one thing, George. This is not your baby. This is half your baby. I'm carrying it, so I get to say when I want to discuss this with you"

"And when will that be?"

"I don't know. When I'm ready to. Just not right now"

Lucy smiled as she looked at a sleeping Alex.

"We finally have everyone and everything we need", Kelly told Ryan. "it's time to call your mother, because you're gonna get some ears".

Alex was paged awake. He started to get dressed. "Something happened to my intern, Norman", Alex told Lucy. "I'm bored, and we were having fun", she said.

"I'll come back"

He kissed her before leaving.

Mark and Kelly started to scrub in. "I'm impressed how you managed to put this surgery together", Mark said. "What can I say? I can be very persuasive", Kelly replied.


"Derek warned me about you"

"Warned you?"

"Your flirting, your constant need to sleep with inappropriate people, you know, the basics"

"Ah, so he trained you up nice"


"So, you'd be able to resist me?"


"We'll see"

"You have way too much confidence. And some to spare"

"Is that really a bad thing?"

"We'll see"

Lucy started pacing in the on-call room. She stopped and started staring at the wall.

"We have now built some perfect ears", Mark said, smiling. Kelly smiled back.

Lucy was sitting on the bench outside the hospital, staring straight ahead. Derek sat down next to her. "Are you okay?" he asked. "Nothing's wrong, that's the problem", she replied. "What's wrong with you?"

"I have to start dating"

She looked at him and laid her head on his shoulder. Alex came over. Lucy squeezed Derek's shoulder before leaving with Alex. Derek got up and left.

George was sitting down on the bench several minutes later when Holly walked by. She saw him and hesitantly sat down. "I made it through the day. That's all I'm hoping for right now. So, I can't talk about a baby when that's all I think about", she said. He grabbed her shaking hand, and squeezed it. She smiled at him. They just sat there in silence.

Beck entered the residents lounge where Cristina was. "I saw your flyer", she said. "I live in my car, if that makes you pity me enough".

Cristina was showing Callie and Beck around her apartment which was very messy. "I have a sofa and an air mattress, you can wrestle", Cristina said. "Do you mind if I clean up a bit?" Callie asked. "Yes, I do mind, a lot", Cristina replied. "I love this place already", Beck chuckled. 

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is haunted by taylor swift

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