"Why would you want to keep it?" You said confused.

"Cause I like the thought of your bra in my possession" he says smirking at you. This boy. You thought.

You sighed. "You know what fine. You can keep it. Because I don't even have time to argue about this." You say walking over to your overnight bag to get out your work clothes. You had brought them with you as you knew you'd be going to work from his place the next day.

He watched as you got dressed, still holding the flimsy bra in his hands.

After getting dressed you quickly checked the time, seeing that you had to leave immediately. You run over to Hawk, and press a quick kiss on his lips. "I'll see you later baby" you say after kissing him.

He smiles back at you. "Goodbye my love. Have fun at work" he says.

You stand up to leave his room and you turn back to him "have fun at Karate!" You reply back as you headed out of his bedroom. You went out his front door and got into your car and drove away.


It was currently 12:00 pm meaning that Miyagi do Karate has started. While everyone was getting ready and getting changed for practice, Hawk was showing off your bra to his friends discreetly in the corner of Miyagi Do.

"Yo dude that's her bra?! Damnnnn" Assface said looking at the bra.

"How did you get her bra??" Bert asked him in wonder.

Hawk just smirked at them. "She gave it up pretty easily." He replied to them. All the guys seemed to be impressed. All except one, Miguel. He looked uneasy about it.

"Uhh bro? How do you think Y/n will react when she finds out you brought her bra to Karate?"Miguel says hesitantly.

"Will you relax man. I doubt she'd care" hawk says brushing it off.

" but that's kinda personal to her and-" Miguel gets cut off by Hawk.

"Jeez man stop being a pussy" hawk says a little annoyed.

Miguel just shrugs. "Alright dude. It's your funeral"he says while walking away.

Miguel then runs into his girlfriend Sam. "Hey you!" She says to him and kissing him softly.

Miguel smiles and kisses her back and takes her hands in his. "Hey" he said giddily.

Sam looks over his shoulders to see where Miguel had just came from. She saw hawk holding some sort of object while all the boys swoon over it.

"What's Hawk showing the guys? It seems intriguing" she chuckles a bit. Miguel chuckles too. "He's just showing off Y/n's bra" Miguel says nonchalantly.

Sam pauses. "Wait. He's showing off her bra?" Sam says confused and a little disgusted.

"Yea. Wait why? Is that bad?" Miguel asked her.

Sam looks at him astonished. "Hell yea it's bad. How would you react if I kept some of your boxer shorts and decided to one day bring them to Miyagi do?" She asked him.

"Well I'd feel pretty dirty and embarras- ohhh I see now" Miguel says catching on. Sam looks back at Hawk and sighs.

"I got to tell Y/n this. She would want to know" Sam says.

"Alright you do that. But class is about to began so I don't think you have much time" Miguel says looking over at the two senseis who seem to be going at it again. Miguel sighs and mutters an "I'll be right back" and kisses her and leaves towards the senseis.

Sam looks back at Hawk who was still showing off the flimsy bra. She sighed. Y/n had to know. She needed to see if this was ok or not. Sam quickly pulled out her phone texted her quickly to let her know the situation. Once she sent it. Her father had called all of the students over to begin class.

Jacob Bertrand ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now