~Expect the unexpected

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Her elastic band hairstyle ^

Her reaping dress : it reaches slightly above her knees though

Her reaping dress : it reaches slightly above her knees though

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Scene 2 | | The Reaping :

You Can Never Be Too Sure

Jenesis Hammaz rushed through the busy paths of district four. Today was the day, and she had just finished her morning shift of selling her game to the many costumers. The costumers that buy from the certain fisherman groups she works with. The men on the docks knew she obviously wouldn't be there with them this morning, as she still was a teenager - a teenager that was eligible for the reaping. She had 'things' to attended to.

So here she was sprinting through the adult busy streets to get home. Cinthia should already be there at her house, waiting for her as she helps Jasmine get ready. Unlike her, Cinthia is the youngest of her siblings. Just her brother and older sister, who are all past reaping age. Safe from the bowl of death. The bowl that will open two peoples cages in the museum they stand in today.

Cinthia and her had agreed last week that she would be at her house in the morning, either dressed for the reaping already, or getting dressed with her sister. Which ever one she chose, Cinthia was waiting for her at her home already.

Jenesis's mind was so occupied already as she ran through the streets of four that led up to her house. She didn't eat breakfast today, that was already a set back. But at least she wouldn't be bloated for the cameras as she wore her white reaping dress. The pearl coloured brown and white sandals would be on her feet today, and if she's lucky again. No capital citizen would have to see her whole outfit.

When she arrived at her house, Cinthia was already there humming lightly at the bottom foot step. She didn't seem to notice Jenesis yet as she was busy brushing her hair with one of her brushes. The sound of Jen's loud panting must  have snapped the girl back to reality, and she peeked her head up from its lowered position. Met with the sight of her friends panting and sweaty body.

She quickly sprung to her feet as she made her way to Jenesis.

" JEN!" She yelled out making Jenesis straighten her back. But her panting still continued on.

" Cinthia..." she breathed out. She look forward as Cinthia came more clear in her view. She had on a beige dress that hung off her shoulders, and had buttons going down.

In all her years of being best friends with the girl, she's more than sure that she never wore that for reaping day. It must have been her sisters. More reaping dress options now that her sister isn't eligible anymore.

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