All about me

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Right so this is my little bio page because I don't have stuff about me on my profile no more. Why? Because of a broken heart :c I redid my bio as amazing lines of poetry but wattpad or some bibitch deleted it and now its just I don't even know. .-.

First of all my name is Sana... Yep Sana. It's from Arabic, Persian (and more) descent. Its a really simple name. I mean four letters what could go wrong? A lot .

I'm a female. Who run the world? girls c: slowly but surely we are taking over the world *-*

I am pansexual. To me gender doesn't matter. Personality and who the person is does. I don't care if you're a boy, girl, transgender, both or even an alien. I will love you . I'm single, you should change that c;

Hazel eyes
Dark brown hair
I have light brown skin
I'm 1 meter 53 centimetres so around 5ft 2-3 (I think) I recently measured myself against a scale and it said 5ft. Like nooooo ;-;

My birthday is on March 2. My star sign be Pisces which is a fish. Fishes are awesome btw.

I'm from and currently reside in England. Aye I'm a British lass cx. I sound more like a pirate but oh well cx

My fav colours are:
Caribbean blue
Because they are sexy ass colours.

My fav shows are:
The vampire diaries
The originals
Sleepy Hollow
and I think that's it.

My fav movies are:
World war Z
Kung fu Hustle
The raid redemption
Resident evil
Shaun of the dead
Hot fuzz
World's End
Thor dark world
The scary movies
Mission impossible
Mean girls
Harry potter
The chronicles of Narnia
Lord of the rings
etc I'm into all genres but romance I just don't like solely romantic movies.

My fav artist is a hard one because I'm pretty diverse in my music taste I like: 

Beyonce.  Bruno mars.  Lana

It's the same with fav songs,  I don't have one but I'm really into:
Take me to church,     Teddy bear,     Training wheels
This is gospel
Do I wanna know
Dark paradise
National anthem
Without you

She wolf
Die young
In the End
Good intentions
Rock star .                       

Men that I'm crushing on:
Ian Somerhalder,
Tom Cruise
Vin Diesel
Tom Hiddelston
Andy Beirsack
etc I generally prefer guys who have dark coloured hair rather than blonde guys. However if you're a blonde guy and I'm into you. You must be pretty amazing c;

The only girl that I would turn lesbian for is Lana Del Rey.

I like most food apart from eggs, fish, beef, lamb and pork but these usually change.

I likely desserts but vanilla things I prefer chocolate flavoured things more.

I like Disney movies bc idek I like beauty and the beast and Tangled they're my faves.

I love anime:
spirited away
Wolf princess
High school of the dead
There's more I just can't remember.

I love gaming. I have the :
Xbox 1
Xbox 360
Wii U
DSI excel
Obviously all these consoles aren't only for me. I like board games too cx

Fav games:
Sunset overdrive (class zombie game)
Assassins Creed (all of them)
COD (all of them)
Dying light
Soul Caliber
Dead Rising (all of them)
Mario kart
Mario party
Mario galaxy (both of them)
Zelda (all of them)

I have a mother, father two little sisters and one little brother. I love all my family very much. I'm the oldest.

I'm afraid of:
Insects (all of them including butterflies)
Roller coasters
Being alone
Losing people

Animals I like :
All of the big cats (lions and tigers etc)
Sharks (all of them)
Eagles (falcons birds of prey )

I have a kitten. Named Ace. He's a badass kitten.

And that is all cx

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