"Here we are," Doyoung helps you down the steps and you look up at the house, tucked away behind an iron fence. "We'll be staying here for the remainder of this year, at the very least."

The door unlocks, revealing a smiling lady with a weathered face. From experience, you know she can only be the housekeeper.

"Mr and Mrs Kim!" She curtseys before making way for you to come in. The new form of address is foreign to you and uncomfortable, like a false label. "I hope the journey was pleasant."

"It was, thank you." You reply, once it becomes obvious Doyoung doesn't intend to.

"That's good to hear. Now, I have a quick tour arranged to get you acquainted to the house," she continues on, smiling expectantly at you.

You glance over to Doyoung, catching the eye of the housekeeper.

"Ah, Mr Kim," she turns to address him. "Your study has been tidied and is ready for you to continue work. We haven't touched much as per your request."

"Good." Doyoung replies, giving her a short nod before looking at you. "If you need anything just ask Mrs Lee here. She'll be able to help."

Then he disappears down the corridor without so much as a backwards glance. Turning back to Mrs Lee with a mixture of disbelief and surprise, you find she isn't perturbed in the slightest.

"A tour then, Mrs Kim?" She repeats.

"O-of course."

She begins showing you around, fixating on even the minute details about your new home. It gives you time to reflect on what had happened at the front door and how easily and she had received the news that Doyoung would be heading straight back to his study. Obviously, it was a common occurrence.

"This is your room." After showing you around, she opens the door to a bedroom, the last unexplored room upstairs. At first glance, it's slightly smaller than the one you have back home. Or did have. This is your home now.

It's relatively simple. A double bed, a dresser, a bedside table and a lamp. There's a closed door which you assume leads to the bathroom and then a wardrobe tucked away in the corner. The most promising feature is the windows, which are open to let the evening breeze in.

Upon padding over to inspect them you find they look out over the back of the Kim House, a quieter residential area with small gardens, merely for show. It's nothing like what you had in the country, but it's nicer than what you'd originally expected.

"What do you think?" Mrs Lee asks.

You hesitate for a moment, careful not to upset her but not wanting to lie. As your mother had told you multiple times, it was unwise to make an enemy out of the housekeeper.

"It's lovely. This place is certainly different."

"Ah, yes," she comes to join you by the window, albeit keeping a respectful distance. "I heard your old primary residence was in the countryside."

You don't question how she knows that. "It was."

"Well, London is definitely busier, as I'm sure you know, but I hope we can make this place to your liking. If anything needs changing, please don't hesitate to let me know."

A sudden thought overcomes you and you turn to face her. "Is this both mine and Mr Kim's room?"

"Oh," she pauses, "no, I'm afraid it isn't. You both have separate rooms, Mr Kim was quite clear on that."

"I see." You smile. "Would you be able to give me a minute? I'm quite exhausted from today's events."

"Of course." She straightens up. "I'll fetch some tea for you later."

A Mariage of Inconvenience : kim doyoungWhere stories live. Discover now