You ignored the whispers and took out your notebook and pencils with pens. Honestly, you would've just brought one book with just a pencil if you were anyone else's kid, but your dad is a big ass if you didn't do things his way. A noticeable growl was heard next to you, making your gaze shift to the fuming blonde boy. You raised a brow, "Is there something wrong?" Fake curiosity laced in your voice. He gritted his teeth together and slouched in his chair, looking off to the hero. Shrugging his attitude off, you turned to the first page of the book and wrote down what was written on the chalkboard.

"Hero Battle Basics 101!!!!"

This man really likes to put enthusiasm in everything...

"Fight training!" The blonde darkly exclaimed next to you, while you noticed a green haired boy behind him with such a terrified face like someone had run over his dog. "Real combat?!" How is he so surprised? The handbook even mentioned this topic coming up soon enough, do they really not read those books? But with All Might, the number one hero, helping them through this training, you could focus on only one of your quirks at a time.

"Aand one of the key of being a hero.. is looking good!!" He claimed, pointing to the wall with grey streaks, about 4 or 5 were displayed stripes. As soon as he said that, a puff of smoke popped from the wall and the grey stripes slowly started to come out of the wall. Once one of the streaks were out, there were crates in them with numbers on the side. The rest came out in sync, to numbers on the side counted from 18 to 1 in order. You didn't even know if your costume was complete, as you just submitted yours yesterday.

"These were designed for you based on your quirk forms and registrations, and the requests you sent in before school started." He explained as everyone calmed down from their hyped moment. You rolled your eyes and kept listening to the teacher. He glanced at you with a sympathetic look, already telling you yours weren't ready. Internally groaning, you knew you had to go in some kind of gym uniform then. That didn't matter anyway, it was obviously not done.

The Green haired boy hugged his backpack with a determined face and whispered to himself. "Costumes..!" He seemed a bit shyer about the clothing than everyone else. Probably some mommy costume

"Get yourself suited up, and meet me at training ground beta!"

You've heard about the training ground, it was for the entrance exam a few weeks ago. Some said it was gore-ish and hard, if you were there, you would've beaten them to a pulp with your quirk. Sounds like fun, no joking.

Everyone started to run to their assigned number, as for you, well gym clothes it. "Young (L/n)!" All Might called out from the corner of the room. You got up from your seat and walked to the buff man, not even taking caution if someone wanted to eavesdrop. Once you got there, you folded your hands behind your back, just looking respectful for the hero. "As you know, the costume isn't quite ready yet," He mentioned, noting the obvious. You nodded in response and let him continue. "The school took the time to give you a special gym uniform for your quirk." You noticed he said quirk as in one, when you had more than one for sure, but with this rare amount of quirks, you had to hide the fact you had more than others. Giving another nod, All Might reached behind him and presented a seemingly regular gym uniform. It was just like the one you saw in the handbook about uniforms for appropriate classes, but the only difference was the small slit in the middle of the chest area.

With a sigh, you grabbed the jumpsuit, making sure not to activate one of your quirks by accident, and heading outside to the bathroom. Some girls from class followed a few feet behind you, whispering among themselves. It took all of your self-control to not tell them off for being such nosy nannies.

"Do you think she's deaf? She hasn't said a word since she talked to Bakugo." A girl murmured in suspicion. Another let out a small gasp, "She acts like Todoroki!" "No, she really acts like Mr. Aizawa! So quiet and scary.."

The good inside your heart | Bakugo x Todoroki x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now