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     Senpai and Spirit were walking home, the two had gone out on a dinner date and the sun had just started setting. The two walked home, humming a tune together when Senpai noticed a small light flying up into the air. Soon after the light exploded, a beautiful ray of colors sparking out of it accompanied by a loud exploding noise. Senpai was startled, he hadn't expected such a beautiful sight to be accompanied by such a loud noise.

     Spirit, on the other hand, had pratically screeched as he hid inside of Senpai. The latter was used to this, Spirit had hid inside Senpai a LOT when they had first entered the real world, mainly out of fear that Daddy Dearest would find them. By now the two were surprisingly close to the demon, he had even gone as far as to give them a small apartment and was helping them find jobs. Which made Senpai confused as to why Spirit was hiding now of all times.

"Woah- you ok!?" Senpai asked as Spirit had sheepishly left his body.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine just-" Another explosion went off and Spirit had essentially dashed into the boy again. Senpai had connected the two dots: Spirit was scared of the explosions.

"Spirit, do they scare you?"

"The- the fireworks..? No, of course not, why would they!?"

     Another firework went off, proving the ghost wrong as he once again hid inside Senpai.

"O-Ok, maybe I'm a little scared..!"

"Pfft- a little?"

"H-Hey! Don't judge mEEE!" Spirit screeched as another firework went off, Senpai swore he was on the verge of tears.

"Hey, it's alright! We're almost home..! But until then why don't you... you know... stick with me!"

"Right... thanks Senpai, and sorry for... using you like this."

"Using?? Dude, your not using me at all! I feel safer with you inside me anyway man, I hate seeing you scared!"

"I- thanks, your probably the nicest guy I know, you know that?"

     Spirit spoke softly as he entered the boy, and Senpai quickened his pace as they hurried home. As soon as they got inside the apartment Spirit had left Senpai's body, and despite the fireworks going off he didn't seem to be scared.

"Huh, your not scared anymore?"

"I-it... Only scares me when I'm outside..."

"Oh. By the way, why are they setting off fireworks today?"

"I don't know, I guess because their assholes that can't wait for tomorrow..?" Spirit sounded upset and annoyed as he spoke.

"What's tomorrow?"

"The fourth of July... America's independence day."

"Oh? I didn't realize people lit fireworks for that. I mean I didn't even know fireworks were a thing until today..!"

"Yeah, just another reason to hate summer I guess."

"Oh... Now's probably a bad time to tell you I accepted an invitation to Daddy Dearest's 'Fourth of July' barbeque."

"You WHAT!?"


Spirit sighed as he spoke. "Dude's most certainly gonna have fireworks just to upset me..!"

"W-well if it helps, I'll be there if you neef me!"

"Thanks, I'll probably- no, I'm certain I'm gonna need you near me tomorrow..."

"But hey! Until then wanna go nuke some popcorn and watch a movie?"

"I swear to god if it's that stupid movie with that annoying song AGAIN I'm going to beat you to death."

"Nope! I found a horror movie today!"

"Even better."

     Spirit spoke sarcastically as the two went to the kitchen to microwave the popcorn. Spirit couldn't help but smile, even if Senpai was an ass he genuinely cared for him, and the ghost wouldn't have it any other way.

A/N: Blame Discord for giving me hc's AGAIN- anyway if yall make some dumb perverted joke about spirit "going inside" senpai i will beat you to death /hj but seriously i already wrote sm smut of them damn it

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