Chapter 82: I Missed You Guys

Start from the beginning

The goodbye was more than terrible. The tears were flowing like crazy and we sobbed into each other and telling each other over and over again how much we loved each other and how much we will miss Britt.

Our ways parted and we waved until their car disappeared on the horizon. We continued crying in the middle of the street for a bit until we decided to go home.

I was way too drunk to apparate and so I had to walk for around 20 minutes to get back to Sirius flat which helped me get a bit sober.

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Once inside I tried to get out of my shoes and fell over at least three times, my head hitting the floor at least two times, before stumbling up the stairs and bumping into the door of the bedroom and then again hitting my head on the wall. Ouch.

A moment later Sirius ripped the door open, pointing his wand at me.

"Are you fucking mad?" he exclaimed, with a shocked face and I just laughed trying to steady myself on the doorframe and pretending to be sober, which failed. I slowly let my drunken gaze run over his marvelous body — he was only dressed in his underwear and looked...delicious.

"Sorry, baby. I bumped into....into..ahm. into the...the wall. No...Door. Is what I mean. The door was in my way. I am so sad. Sirius, I am so sad, she is in America. And I won't see here for weeks. I am also hungry, quite hungry and I love you oh and...I think I am drunk," I slurred, wrapping my arms around him. My nose was snuggled in the crook of his neck and I took a deep breath. I heard him chuckle, his chest vibrating against mine.

"Really, I wouldn't have noticed that if you hadn't mentioned it," he laughed, lifting me up, his hands cupping my bum and dragging me towards the bed onto which he then tossed me.

"Come on, let's get you out of the clothes," he chuckled, shaking his head at me and I lifted my hands. He helped me out of my clothes and placed a kiss to my brow. I looked down on my now only in panties covered body, poking my belly. "I am naky...naked."

"Yes, you are, baby. Let's get you in bed." He lifted my legs omto the bed, waddling around it, laying down and tugging me under the sheets with him.

"You are lucky that your are utterly adorable and still terribly hot when you are drunk."

Snickering I must have immediately fallen asleep. The last things I had felt was Sirius placing a kiss to my collarbone.

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"There is a letter for you," Sirius informed, walking into the kitchen and handing me the letter. I was sat at the kitchen table, my head in my hands, a glass of water in front of me and my head spinning like crazy. Nausea cramped my body and I felt like I would throw up any minute. And don't even get me started on the headache.

"I am never going to drink again. Never ever," I grumbled to which he chuckled. It was a letter from Jesper and I hastily ripped it open and instantaneously had to smile.

He also wanted to meet up. That day.

"Ahm, Sirius I have a question—" I started to which he gave me an expectant look. He did not mind my friendship with Jesper but he wasn't the biggest fan of him.

"So Jesper would like to meet today. Is it okay if I meet up with him?" I asked, running my fingers over his hands and he huffed a bit.

"Yeah sure. I would never forbid it, so yeah sure," he grumbled and I quickly got up, nearly tumbling and falling onto him. Great. But I managed to kiss him– a sloppy, wet kiss to the corner of his mouth.

"Thank you, baby. No need to worry, you know you are the only man in my life. And the most handsome, amazing, kind and intelligent man," I said, grinning before walking upstairs and getting dressed. My stomach cramped even more and for a moment I found myself solely staring out of the window.

Just half an hour later I met up with Jesper and I was more than surprised by his appearance. I had also sobered up a bit more, so it was fine.

"Oh my word, is that you Jesper? You look different. But in a positive way," I breathed, pulling him into a hug. He had grown out his hair, now his blond locks were falling over his shoulder, he had his nose and his eyebrow pierced and was wearing eyeliner.

He chuckled a bit, grinning ."You haven't changed a bit, Tills! Good to see you!"

We hadn't seen each other in months and just kept on talking about everything and anything that had happened. Jesper had started sleeping around when Mason did not requit his feelings or rather did not want to accept that he was into men.

Jesper had been heartbroken and tried to fix his heart by sleeping around. I would never blame Jesper for sleeping around, it was his life and his choice.

Still I told him that this was probably not the right way but he did not want to hear it. Since we met at his flat and not in some public place I also told him about the Order and he immediately wanted to join. I was taken by surprise, but told him that I will ask Dumbledore and Alastor and also Sirius.

He told me a lot about what happened in his life and how things were going for him before I returned home quite late in the evening. I obviously also informed him about Britt's departure which made him quite sad as well.

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I could convince Sirius, Alastor and also Dumbledore to let Jesper join the Order and Dumbledore also talked really highly of him, which Sirius wasn't too fond of again.

I was meant to pick Jesper up and bring him to his first meeting and so Sirius and I were currently waiting for him to arrive at our flat.

"There you are!" I beamed, opening the door and embracing him in a hug. He hugged me back tightly, before clearing his throat and shaking Sirius' extended hand.

"Don't worry, mate. She is all yours, I am 100% over her," he snickered, nudging my rib with his elbow. I giggled, wrinkling my nose.

Sirius just nodded, jaw slightly clenched, while I grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly. Jealously and impulsiveness were really his only negative personality traits.

He could get deadly jealous, five times as jealous as I was, being so incredibly afraid of losing me, although he was the guy that still made all the girls' jaws drop and heads' turn. I always had to assure him a million times that he was the only guy in my life and that I would never ever leave him.

We made our way to the headquarters, Jesper being more than nervous. "Calm down, Fuller, this is the least to be afraid of, just wait until you go on your first Order mission!" Sirius chuckled, patting Jesper's shoulder and I gave him a reproachful look. Not helpful, Sirius.

We were greeted by Alastor who immediately bombarded Jesper with questions concerning his loyalty, DADA skills and willingness to go on Order missions. "Well son, that all sounds really good. One more question: Can you produce a corporal patronus?" Alastor asked, squinting his eyes and eyeing Jesper up and down.

Jesper turned towards me with sort of a help-seeking look on his face and I nodded enthusiastically. Of course he could, we had practiced that in the common room.

"Ahm, yeah I think so," he stated and Alastor urged him to show it.

He tried two times and then it finally worked. Out of his wand a beautiful bird, a parrot, came flying and I looked at in awe. Alastor smiled proudly and told Jesper some more things about the Order and some missions and he was finally initiated.

Back at home I had to tell Sirius over and over again that I did not like Jesper more than him, that I would not leave him for Jesper and that I did not think that Jesper's patronus was better or cooler than Sirius'. That was all mixed with me placing kisses all over Sirius body, nibbling on his skin and then pampering with even more kisses.


This was more of a filler chapter to give sone updates, more will happen in the following chapters :)

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