●○ Chapter 1 ○●

Start from the beginning

"Well best of luck cause L/n was recommend by four pro heros"

'No, I'm not'

Erasor head, all Might, Midnight and Present Mic all insisted on my parents to recommend me but they wanted me to get into UA independently

"Every L/n has achieved greatness by doing it themselves" my dad's voce rang in my ear


I heald my head tighter and pretended I dint hear anything but the other students certainly did.

"What, that's so cool" "but she's crazy, what kind of pro hero would recommend her"
"She's a bit of a freak I wouldn't want to be rescued by her"

people mumbled

'God, its brutal out here'

"Oh yeah, Midoriya you wanted to go to U.A., too, right?"

Midoriya's soul left his body. He looked up and froze,embarrassed as his classmates started laughing at him

"Midoriya? No way! You can't get into the hero course just by studying!"

Bakugo angrily walks over to Midoriya and exploded his desk causing the poor boy to fall on the ground

The fact that this jack ass of a teacher dint even try to stop him is beyond me

"Hey, Deku! You're below the rejects! You're Quirkless! How can you even stand in the same ring as me?"

"No, wait, Kacchan! It's not like I'm trying to compete with you or anything!" He backed against the wall

"Believe me! It's just that it's been my goal ever since I was little. And well...I won't know unless I try...."

"Whaddya mean, unless you try?! Are you taking the test for fun?! What the hell can you do? You're Quirkless!"

I ran in front of him and held a knife, i created up to his throat.

He stopped dead in his tracks as the whole class fell silent.

"Sit down Katsuki before before I- "

"MS. L/N! You cannot threaten students with weapons!" the teacher yelled.

"Are you fucking serious!" I pointed at Izuku on the floor. "Bakugo just-"

"I have no choice but to inform your parents about this behaviour"

I scoffed before heading back to my desk

End of the school day

I was about to get up when the blond decided to be a pain in the ass, again

"Not so fast, Pscyco!" I groned in annoyance and lifted my head up as he slammed both his hands down on my desk

"You belong in an asylum, not UA! What are you going to do? Talk your little 'ghost' boyfriend and, Threaten the pro's to take pitty on you and your pathetic need for attention?"

"Yo, N/n" vex said and tilted his head in Bakugo's direction

I subtly nodded and slowly clenched my fist below the desk. A grey glow surrounded my fingers as well as the ghosts silhouette

"Yes Bakugo, I am clearly the one who wants attention while you, who stood on top of a table and yelled about your impressive quirk is such a humble saint" I said and sacrcsticly gave him a thumbs up.

I smirked as I watched vex tie both of Bakugo's shoe laces together.

"STAY IN YOUR LIMIT" He yelled and tried to step forward to send an explosion towards me but ended up tripping over his feet.

I See Dead People [My Hero Academia x reader]Where stories live. Discover now