Fred twirled Liliah in a few circles then lifted her and spun her again. Liliah laughed as Fred put her back down and pulled her into him. Liliah placed her head on his chest as they started dancing again.

The next thing Liliah knew she was jumping up and down in a huge crowd of people listening to Wizard Rock music. Liliah held Fred's hands as she jumped around and Fred head banged his long hair around. The song ended and another one started.

" I need something to drink." Liliah told Fred.
" You want me to get it?" Fred offered.
" No it's okay. I think I'm going to talk to my brother for a second anyways." Liliah looked at her brother sitting miserably with Ron and their dates.
Fred just nodded and let go of her hands. Liliah walked over to her brother.

" Would you like to tell me why your sitting here and not dancing?" Liliah asked.
" I don't want to." Harry shrugged.
" Come on dance with me. Please please please pretty please." Liliah grabbed his hand and tugged it.
" Ugh alright. Your like a child." Harry stood up.
" Yay!" Liliah smiled.
Harry's date mouth dropped open in disbelief. She got up and walked over to a group of Bulgaria boys. One asked her to dance and she accepted.

Liliah pulled Harry in the middle of the dance floor. Liliah grabbed Harry's hands and made him twist his torso side to side. Harry tried not to smile. Liliah smiled started wiggling her shoulders. Harry smiled and began dancing with her. They dance for the whole song. The Marauders and Lily watched from the side. Lily smiled at her kids.

" Okay we're going to take a break. Will be back in a few." The band said.
Then Muggle music started playing. A familiar song started playing. Immediately Liliah and Cedric's eyes found each other. They moved through the crowd leaving whoever they were dancing with. They gave each other the same look.
" Should we do it?" Liliah asked.
" Can they handle it?" Cedric asked.

" I say let's take a chance. Let's blow them all away." Liliah smiled.
" Okay." Cedric nodded.

The two best friends moved everyone out of the way giving them a clear big spot. Everyone crowded around them including The Marauders and Lily.

Liliah mad Cedric faces each other.
" Five six seven eight." Liliah snapped her fingers.
( basically what I imagine for the routine)

Liliah pretend to slap Cedric. Then they moved side to side. Liliah crouch down and Cedric leap frog over her. They wiggled to the side again. They did the wave with their arms then circled them in front. They turned back to back and walked backwards with snake arms. They danced towards each other again. They brought one their legs up and started jumping. Then Liliah ran towards Cedric and jumped. He caught her and they ended in a pose.

Everyone cheered and Cedric put Liliah back on the ground. The two best friends high fived.
" We're the coolest people in the world." Cedric said.
" Absolutely." Liliah nodded.


The night was coming to a close. The Great Hall slowly thinned out. Liliah laid her head on Fred's chest as they slowed danced. Only a few people were still on the dance floor including Fred and Liliah. Fred held Liliah as close as he could to him. He closed his eyes and let the moment absorb over him. He felt Liliah shift under him and he opened his eyes.

Fred looked down at his sunflower to see she was already looking at him. He smiled at her.
" Ready to call it a night darling?" Fred asked.
" Not yet." Liliah shook her head.
" Do you want to move the party back to common room?" Fred asked.
" Yes please my feet are killing me." Liliah groaned.

Fred chuckled and pulled away. He keep a hold on her hand and walked out of the great hall. Once they reached Gryffindor tower and separated to their rooms. They were going to meet back in Fred's room in about ten minutes.

Fred rushed up to his dorm. He opened the door and George and Angelina were making out on George's bed.
" Get out. Get out." Fred shooed them.
" Mate we were here first." George told him.
" Liliah's coming up here in nine minutes. Go!" Fred looked at his watch.
" Fred seriously." Angelina raised her eyebrow.
" Just go to Angies room." Fred started cleaning up the dorm.

" We can't. Boys aren't allowed in the girl's dorms." George said.
" The stairs will turn into a slide." Angelina told him.
" Then it's a good thing we use to have a magic map that showed us secret passages. And good thing we mesmerized it. And good thing their a passage from the boys to girls dorms." Fred fixed his bed.
" Oh yeah right. Come on Angie." George stood up and pulled her with him.

Fred continued to clean as George and Angelina left. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. Fred let out a breath and looked at his pajamas in the mirror. He walked to the door and opened it. Liliah stood in matching pink fuzzy long sleeve top and shorts. She had her glasses on, her face was clear of all makeup and she had her hair in a messy ponytail.

Fred's heart melted at the sight.
" Come in." Fred stood to the side.
" Thanks." Liliah walked in and jumped on his bed.
Fred closed the door and walked and sat next to her but made she to keep a good distance between them.
" Angie somehow managed to sneak George up to our dorm. And by the looks of it, I should stay here with you tonight. If that's okay. If not I can crash with Moine or Harry." Liliah told him.

" No. I don't mind. You can stay here." Fred tried to contain his excitement.
" Thanks." Liliah smiled as she laid down.
Fred stiffened unsure what he should do. Liliah patted the spot next to her. Fred laid down being completely still. Liliah laughed at him.

" I had a really good time with you tonight." Liliah turned on her side to face Fred.
" Me too darling." Fred turned to face her.
" What are you doing for New Years?" Liliah asked.
" Staying here like everyone else." Fred chuckled.
Liliah bit her lip.
" I'm not staying." She shook her head.
" What? Why not?" Fred asked.

" I'm going home." Liliah told him.
" But you just saw your parents." Fred furrowed his eyebrows.
" Not that home." Liliah said.
" Right. That other home. Hundreds miles away from me. And with that Patrick kid." Fred grumbled.
" His name is Peter. And his not the reason I'm going home." Liliah's smile dropped.

" I don't like you being so far away from me. Where I can't protect you." Fred told her.
" I'll be with the Avengers I'll be fine." Liliah chuckled.
" I don't like you hanging out with Peter. Or any guy for that matter." Fred looked down.
" How can I prove to you I only want to be with you?" Liliah asked.
" Kiss me." Fred smirked.

Liliah sighed. Fred was just joking and could never predicted what happened next. Liliah moved towards him and cupped his outside cheek. She then brought their faces close together and connected their lips. Fred stalled unsure if this was real. Liliah pulled away a bit embarrassed he didn't kiss back. She sat up and turned away from him.

Fred immediately shot up.
" Sorry. I thought you were serious." Liliah chuckled nervously.
" I- well I wasn't but-" Fred stuttered.
" I umm better go. I can just bunk with Mione." Liliah stood up.
Fred scrambled up. Liliah walked towards the door. His greatest fear was playing out right in front of him.

Fred rushed over to her and shut the door back closed. Liliah turned around and looked up at him. Fred cupped her cheeks and kissed her passionately. Liliah didn't hesitate to kiss back and wrap her arms around his neck. Fred's hands slid from her cheeks to her waist. Their lips seemed to have a mind of their own and they moved perfectly in sync just like their dancing.

Fred gripped under Liliah's thighs and lifted her up. Liliah wrapped her legs around his torso and her hands got lost in his long red hair. Fred walked backwards back to the bed. The back of his knees hit the bed and and sat them both down.

Liliah pulled away and they both caught their breath.
" So I'm guessing you want me to stay?" Liliah joked.
" Absolutely." Fred smirked before reattaching their lips.

Angelina was right. Fred was completely obsessed and in love with Liliah. And would definitely not stop bothering her any time soon.

Authors Note: It's two AM right now and I just finished watching Luca for the fourth time this week. I don't know what kind of drugs they put in that movie but I'm obsessed and in love with it. Anyways thanks for reading and have a good day or night depending on when your seeing this.💛

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