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This girl with blond hair and blue eyes came in and said

? " hey guys"

Bryce " hey Mads" ohhh so that's mads?

M " Jaden i really need to talk to you in private.. please"

Jaden look at me

"Why you looking at me? Go, I trust you" he smiled and gave me a quick kiss

Jaden's POV

I wasn't expecting Nina to let me just go alone with her but that showed me that she trust me a lot and that's nice.

M " okay so, I found out about something and I don't really know how to tell you"

" just say it"

M " Jaden i know you have a girlfriend and your happy in your relationship but.. I'm pregnant"


" I'm sorry what?"

M " I know, I found out I'm pregnant and it's your's"
What do i say? Like what should my answer be at this point? What would I say to my girl about that? Hey so I left another girl pregnant, she's gonna brake up with me

M " listen Jaden I know it's hard so I'm leaving tonight, i got 2 plain tickets for Canada. Here's yours the flight levels at 11pm ether you come with me and we could be a family. Ether you stay here in a relationship with a 16yo that's probably never gonna last, you decide" she gave me my ticket and left.. what do i do now? I don't know what to think. I when when back to where everyone is and saw Nina laughing with Quinton he looks like he likes her.. i like Nina a lot.. i love her but. Maybe it's better if i just go with Mads, she's pregnant with my baby and she was my first love. With Nina.. I don't know. I'm sure it's not gonna last and plus Quinton and her would actually make a great couple. Ugh i when up to her and grabbed her hand, we when outside
Nina " wtf Baby chill" she said laughing
Jaden " shut up" i said and kissed her it was so passionate and it made me get butterflies I pulled away and said
Jaden "I love you Nina, so much"
Nina "i love you more baby, what's up with you😂, come on let's go inside"
Jaden " I'm not going, you go have fun. I'll see you soon"
Nina " wait what where are you going?"
Jaden " don't worry about it I'll see you soon" i gave her another kiss and when I pulled away I hugged her. I when to the cur and got it
jaden" i love you princess" I said tearing up Nina " i love youu, byee" i drove to Nina's to get my stuff, i was crying.. I'm never gonna see her again..

Nina's POV

It's been 4 hours and I've tried calling him a thousand times so he comes back to drive me home, he's phone is closed where can he be? I wanna go back home so I asked Bryce to drive me

I'm finally home and when i got up to my bedroom all of Jaden's stuff where gone what the hell? On my bed i saw a peace of paper it said

Hey beautiful.
It's me Jaden i wanna say I'm so sorry for everything I'm leaving, by the time to read this I probably will be on the airplane.
I love you so much Nina please don't forget that ever, but let's be honest.. this was never going to last.
I want you to be happy and I want you to keep living, keep fighting and keep growing. I hope you find the perfect guy for you that will make you happy and treat you good. Maybe try with Quinton he totally likes you.
Anyway i have to go, I know you're confused but I'm leaving forever, don't try to call me or contact me I changed my phone number, it's for the best.
                Love Jaden
Oh and remember I'm
                                  𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟'𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟

If you're mine forever than why are you leaving me forever. I broke down crying
Thank you Jaden Hossler for breaking my heart


I hope you're doing okay and had a great day/night.
Please don't forget to vote, it means a lot to me.
*Not edited btw*

✨Young - Jaden Hossler✨Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant