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I wake up to my alarm sounding. Its 6:30AM. I get up and leave Sadie to sleep in for a little. I head to the bathroom and start by turning on the shower. I step in and take ten minutes of the warm water hitting my skin before i get out the shower. I go into the mirror and put my hair up. Brushing my teeth, Sadie stumbles into the doorway. "Good morning, you look rough. We didnt do anything last night, did you sneak off or something?" I tease. "Shut up... good morning to you too." She rolls her eyes before taking her clothes off to get inside the shower. I walk out to put on black pants and a gray shirt. I go in the kitchen to make us both breakfast.

After we are done with our morning, its 7:30AM so we walk down to floor three room seven. In there is Romans team already. Roman of course, Easton, Reyna, Lucia, Finn, Megan, Vincent, and Kai. Roman looks me up and down when he notices Sadie. "I dont recall Ms. Alvatoria saying skittles was coming along. I say she leaves before the boss comes and kicks her out herself." "Dont be a dick Roman, dont call her skittles. And bringing her along would benefit us, just in case you mess up something yourself." I say before walking into his shoulder. Me and Sadie walk up to Easton and Reyna. We have a small chat, i ask about how her and Lucia got on the team and she explains. Of course with Easton all he cares about is if we will have time for pizza in the city.

Alvatoria walks in and the first thing he notices is Sadie. "What is she doing here?" He points to Sadie. "I brought her. We could use an extra pair of hands." He looks her up and down and then looks away. Surprisingly, he didnt say anything which confused me but i didnt show it. "Just as explained. This building right here, Corpus H is holding a file. I need you guys to sneak into the party, and get it for me. There are security guards at all entrances and exits. They are armed and its heavily guarded in each room. You are to find the place of the file, take it and leave discreetly. This should be fairly easy since you guys have all done similar missions like this." "Are we going to be armed?" "Of course." He walks on over to the table with all the weapons. "Your choice of weaponry." Some of Romans team walked on over to the table. They glanced at the weapons before exchanging conversations on who was taking what and who was using what.

"You're also going to be dressed up. Its a nine hour flight here from Moscow to New York so you need to go into those changing rooms and find something dressy to wear." We all going into the changing rooms and find what we're going to wear. I pick out a dark green slit dress. Sadie picks out a red dress and everyone else goes for a blue or black.

The boys come out dressed in either a black, blue, or gray suit. "These are the earpieces you'll be using." Alvatoria explains. "Try to cover them as much as you can. These watches will provide everyone's coordination at all times." He passes everyone a watch. "This should be fairly easy. It shouldnt take more then tonight. Get the file, leave, and you should be taken back to the plane. Any questions?" Everyone shakes their head.

"Adelia i want to talk to you for a second." Alvatoria steps out into the hallway. "Someones in trouble." Megan teases. "Не ваше дело, oh wait im sorry you dont speak russian. Сука." I say before stepping out.
(Не ваше дело - Mind your own business)
(Сука - Bitch)

"Sir you needed to see me?" "Adelia, why are you bringing Sadie." He crosses his arms. "Sir, i know i should have asked first, but i knew you would say no. She could be beneficial for this mission i know it. Shes highly trained and very stealthy, i think she could help lead the team." I say. He puts his hand on my shoulder and starts rubbing it. "Whats the real reason?" He asks giving me a stern look. "What? Theres no real reason i just thi-" "Are you guys dating?" He asks me. "Sir thats not important." I say before putting my head down. He moves his hand to touch my chin and raise my face so we're seeing eye to eye. "Tell me Adelia." "Yes sir." I say. He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. "You know, you look very beautiful." He whispers into my ear. I feel chills down my back as i try to keep cool. He walks back into the room.

I walk in and stand by Sadie. He goes to talk to Roman. For a few minutes, they exchange words and glares to me and Sadie. After a few minutes pass by they separate and Roman glares at Sadie while Alvatoria tells us the last few things he has to tell us before letting us go.

Fantasy / Pietro MaximoffUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum