one more year

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finally the fireworks festival is here. students have been in an uproar ever since the announcement of it two weeks ago. chabashira seemed more excited than usual today, but of course she didn't let that show on her face. i guess this is a surprise to her as well since the school didn't have a fireworks festival last year or any other time in the past. so this year's festival makes it the first one. all around the school there have been conversations about it. for me, i've never been to a fireworks festival, or any other type of festival for that matter so i didn't see the hype around it.

after flicking through the channels on the tv aimlessly and getting lost in my thoughts about how im going to go about this whole festival thing  i felt something on my bed vibrate. ZZZZ. ZZZZ. i look down and check my notifications, it's from the ayankouji group. they're asking if we want to meet up later after the fireworks are over. i honestly wanted to head back to the dorms afterwards to lay down, listen to Beethoven and read. i guess i wouldn't be a good friend if i don't at least hang out with them sometimes on special occasions so i've already decided to go. the conversation went like this

haruka: miyachi, you're hanging out with us later right?

akito: i don't have anything else to do so i guess it's fine.

haruka: what about you, yukimuu?

keisei: well i was thinking about-

haruka: sounds lame.


haruka: you were going to say study right?


haruka: that's what i thought. don't you have fun at least sometimes?

keisei: i do actually

haruka: really? like what

keisei: crossword puz-

haruka: nevermind.

i decided to finally send a text message because it would be weird to just lurk in the chat like airi does.


i sent only a general greeting.

haruka: kiyopon! tell yukimuu that crossword puzzles are lame.

"well, to most people, crossword puzzles aren't usually seen as fun keisei".

keisei: tch fine i'll come.

it kinda sounded like he was closing a book but im not sure.

haruka: see.. kiyopon isn't into lame things like you yukimuu.

but haruka... i like crossword puzzles.

haruka: i almost forgot about airi. are you coming too?

airi: w-well im not su-

i sent the message "im coming"


pretty sure she was just indecisive a second ago.

haruka: great. so kiyopon, when's the meeting time?

"why are you asking me?"

haruka: because you're the leader.

this "leader" role was forced onto me, i didn't ask for this. well i have important things to do so it will have to be later.

"let's see, maybe around 7?"

haruka: is that fine with you guys?

akito: yea

keisei: sure

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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