She was looking at her phone while waiting for Peter and suddenly someone grab her phone.

"HEY! GIVE IT BACK!" marinette shout and then she kick the person at the stomach, she open her eyes and realized that the person she kick was PETER!

"Omg Peter,im so so sorry! I thought you were someone else." Marinette help him to get up and the Peter giggles.

"You really strong for someone short" marinette cross her hand and say "im not short!" Peter laugh a bit.

"How you became that strong?" Peter ask and marinette was in a shock nervous.

"I-uh taking some training when I was at Paris!" Marinette say with a nervous laugh.

"That's cool!" Peter answer and marinette was in relief that Peter believed it but little that she known, Peter known what marinette say just now was a lie.

"So how was New York so far?" Peter changing the topic and then marinette answer "I have a lot of inspiration in here,this place was amazing than Paris!" Peter ask marinette why the different and marinette just answer shortly.

"everything is different, but who care now. Im finally out from that 'city of love'".

Peter was confused by what marinette just answer, 'should she supposed to be happy, I mean that was city of love but she just answer it like something bad happen' Peter thought.

They talk about they fav food,animal,colour and even a birthday date until it was 6:15 pm.

Tikki shake marinette purse a bit to let her known that it time for her to get home.

"Peter,im very sorry but I have to go back home before my sister gone mad, btw text me when you get home safely!" Marinette say to Peter while waving at him and Peter just smile and wave back to her.
Marinette got home exactly at 6:30 sharp.

When she open the door, she see that Chloe was standing in front of the door.

"Tell me,who did you just hangout with?" Chloe ask and marinette answer "Can we sit first so I can explains".

Marinette was sitting on the sofa and Chloe was making some tea for them both.

"Spill the tea gurl" Chloe say while sipping her tea.

"Well the person that I hangout was Peter,we meet yesterday when I was eating at the café" marinette say nervously and then chloe smirk.

"It's a boy huh" Chloe say and that make marinette blush a little.

"Its not like that!" Marinette say and then her phone vibrates, it was Peter that texting her.

Peter: just got back from the park 😉✌

Mari: That great to hear, btw do you wanna hangout again next week?

Peter: Sure,when ?

Mari: on next Wednesday like 3 pm at the mall.

Peter: so we goin shopping huh 😏

Mari: yupper! 😉✨

Peter: well I gotta get goin,bye marinette 👋

Mari: byee 👋

After mari done texting, she look at Chloe that was smirking.

"ooo,you even got his number huh" marinette was holding her blush until Chloe say.

"Make sure to invited me if you guys get married, im sure he gonna be a great husband!" Chloe say in a loving tone and marinette was blushing very hard now.

"Whatever! Im just goin to be in my room and go to sleep" marinette walk faster to her room and calming herself from the blush.

Marinette has done shower and want to go to sleep now, but she decided to say goodnight to Peter because that what friend do right but she has collapse into a deep sleep without even saying goodnight to Peter.

1077 words
3 july 2021

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