♥️ 🗨 🔰
Liked by Deannawongst and 1,938 other

Happy happy birthday to my favorite setter and now to my favorite architec i will be your ate no matter what happen im here to be your good engineer char haha love you architect wong

I wish na mag ka jowa kana haha 🤧


Pinponggay:happy birthday deans labya
Deannawongst:thank you pongskie
Deannawongst:iba talaga bumati hahah thank you ate bei labya
_Beadel:hahaha labyow

Ang sweet nila mag pinsan pumunta naman ako sa account ni deanna stalker ako sorry hehe


♥️ 🗨 🔰 Liked by _Beadel and 1,838 other

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♥️ 🗨 🔰
Liked by _Beadel and 1,838 other

I tried my best but sorry


_Beadel:bawi next time bro
Pingponggay:kaya natin si @Totscaloy
Totscaloy:hoy ponggay ako nanaman
Deannawongst:bawi next game 🙁
_Beadel:yes bro mahal ka namin 😗😒


♥️ 🗨 🔰 Liked by 3rd_e and 1,838 other

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♥️ 🗨 🔰
Liked by 3rd_e and 1,838 other

Goodluck captain _Beadel

Alabyu 😒😒


_Beadel:thanks deans
3rd_e:goodluck bei give your best im here to support you
Deannawongst:👀👀 eyes spy
_Beadel:thanks thirds wag kana epal deans
Pingponggay:hope all
Totscarlos:goodluck baby phenom
AlyssaValdez:goodluck bei i will support you win or lose
_Beadel:thanks ate ly wuvyou



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Nothing at allOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora