Part 2 (Saved By A Kid)

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With Tony

"Fri, tell Pepper I'm going on a walk." He said with a sigh.

"*Of course, sir. She told me to tell you to take something warm, since it's getting cold.*" Friday said. Tony nodded. Pepper knew why he needed to go outside. It was one of his son's favorite holidays the next day, Thanksgiving. It was painful.

So he grabbed his coat, and walked out side. The November air was chilly, but it wasn't too cold yet. Snowflakes were just starting to fall. He kept walking, and then suddenly, something hit his head. He was out cold.


Peter's P.O.V

As I swung around Queens, waiting for something to happen (it was an unusually but pleasantly quiet night), I sighed. I always wanted to go home. And something told me that my home wasn't with May anymore. No, that stopped being my home the night I saw the light and life leave my uncle's eyes.

"*Peter, there is a distress signal that's been cut short coming from the alley way off Astoria blvd and 30th ave.*" Karen told me after about 20 minutes. I nodded.

"What kind?" I asked her as I swung that way as fast as I could.

"*Not sure. It looks like a mugging, or maybe a kidnapping.*" She said. I nodded.

"Thanks, Karen." I said.

"*Your welcome.*" She said. 

It took me only 5 minutes to get there. And I saw someone looking through a wallet, and someone with a bag on their head being taken into a van with tinted windows.

"Hey, that's not nice!" I said as I descended down from a web upside down. They looked up.

"The spider freak?" One of them asked incredulously. I pouted, and webbed them up quickly. They may have had a gun, but they sure didn't know how to use it. And the pipe they had was ineffective.

"You know, stealing from people and kidnapping them really isn't nice." I scolded them. "And trying to kill people isn't nice, either." I added. "It's being a meanie." I finished, and grabbed the stolen wallet from the ground where it had fallen. I also held the unconscious guy down, who had been waking up and attempting to sit up. It wasn't good for them to sit up so early after being knocked out with a pipe.

"Ow." The guy said. His voice sounded familiar. Like I had heard it before.

"Dude, stop trying to sit up. Your going to make your concussion worse, and unfortunately, I speak from experience." I said, holding him down so that he wouldn't hurt himself. He stopped struggling.

"Who are you?" He asked curiously.

"Just your regular old-" I started.

"You sound like a 5 year old! You called us meanies!" One of the webbed up guys said. I pouted.

"That's because you are meanies!" I retorted, and turned back to the guy. "Anyways, just your regular old friendly neighborhood Spiderman." I finished. The guy sighed.

"I've been saved by a 9 year old." He groaned. I pouted.

"I'm not 9! I have a very real job, thank you very much!" I said, offended. Literally everyone looked at me with exhasperation.

"Are you expecting me to believe that?" He said.

"How else would I get food? The dumbsters?" I asked sarcastically. He stilled, then nodded with a sigh.

"Can I get this bag off, though?" He asked. My eyes widened.

"I'm so sorry! Of course! I'm so so so sorry I forgot!" I rambled, and took the bag off his head and returned his wallet to him.

"*Peter, Aunt May is calling. She checked on you and you weren't there.*" Karen said, panicked.

"SH**! No, Karen, don't accept!" I said, panicked.

"*She knows you have your phone.*" She said.

"I left my phone on the roof!" I said, quickly going to an alley since I know what was going to happen. Either way, the call was going to get accepted.

"*She doesn't know that. I'm sorry, Peter.*" Karen said sympathetically.

(TW: Child abuse (verbal), Child abandonment)

"'* Where are you, you little piece of sh**!*'" Aunt May screamed into the phone on her end of the line.

"Aunt May-" I started.

"'*Don't 'Aunt May' me, Peter! You don't deserve to be named after Ben! You don't deserve to be a Parker! Sneaking out at night, your probably doing drugs." She sniffed indignantly. "Ben would be so disappointed. The boy who was once his nephew, dealing drugs. Your out, so stay out like the freak you are!*'" Aunt May said, and hung up. 

By the end I was crying silently, and I took off my mask. I could sense someone watching me (probably the guy I helped), but at that moment... I didn't care. I cried, putting my head between my knees. There was an inch of snowfall, and the cold was already getting to me. I shook from both crying and the cold.

"Woah, Spidey, are you okay?" The guy that I helped asked me. I shrugged.

"Is anyone?" I asked. I hadn't been okay in so long. So what was okay?

"Yeah, your definetly not." The guy decided. I laughed without any humour.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." I quipped, but there was no heat in it.

"*Peter, your aunt may be dealing with trauma, but this is child neglect and verbal abuse. This isn't okay.*" Karen said softly from my mask.

"Karen, she'll move past it. Everything will go back to how it was. She'll burn dinner while I do my homework and we'll watch Star Wars afterwords." I said, but everything in my words were unsure except the words themselves.

"Homework? And who's Karen?" The guy said. I sighed, and grabbed my mask. I put it on.

"Yeah, homework. And Karen's my AI. My friend and I made her." I said, and technically, that was true. We both started her. But I'm the one that did the rest. 

"Wow, kid. That's probably above your grade level." They guy said, surprised. I nodded with a shrug.

"Yeah, anyways, I have to get back home." I said with a grimace. To get my stuff  went unsaid, and the guy probably didn't know that there was an unsaid part. 

"From what I heard, that isn't home." He said in a matter-of-fact yet sad tone. I shrugged.

"It's all I got." I replied quietly, the swung off 'home'.

That night, I slept in an abandoned warehouse. Wondering if there was any chance that I would ever find a home that I even felt obligated to anymore.


A/N hope you like the story so far, whoever is reading this! : )

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