2. War

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June 1942 - Age: 21

I flipped through the newspaper as the door swung open and Steve came in, "Finally," I sighed, getting up and hugging him, "Bucky said you too were going on a double date and I was worried about you," he weakly smiled and I noticed that he had a cut lip and I sighed,

"What happened?" I touched his lip and he winced slightly,

"Some guy," he shrugged, "It's nothing," 

"Stop getting into fights," I shook my head. Steve looked up at me and his smile was wider than I had ever seen it, "What?" I chuckled, "Why are you smiling like that?" 

He passed me a piece of paper, still beaming. On the paper was his information and in the corner was the stamp of A1. 

"Steve?" I asked, looking up at him. Seeing my distressed expression his smile dropped, "Bucky's leaving and now you too!?" 

"Georgia," he said softly, we went over to the couch and sat down, "This has been my dream since the war started," 

"I know, Steve," I sighed, "But what about me? Steve, I don't have a job, with you working and Bucky's help we barely scraped enough money together for rent this month. What happens when I need to pay the rent and I don't have any money because no one will hire a woman!" I started crying, tears silently falling.

"Georgia, we'll figure it out before I leave," 

I wiped the tears away and looked up at me, "So, when do you leave?" 

"Two days," he said quietly,

"Two days?!" I stood up quickly, "Two days, Steve?" he nodded. The tears started again and I quickly ran to my room. I jumped onto my bed and put my face on my pillow until I heard Steve go into the room next to mine.  


I was awoken by a knock at the door and I got up and went to the front door. I unlocked it and opened it, "Bucky?" I questioned, 

"Is Steve awake?" he asked,

"No, I can go and wake him-"

"No," he said quickly, coming inside and silently shutting the door. "I actually wanted to talk to you," 

"Yeah, what is it?" I asked, yawning loudly.

"You remember that I'm leaving tomorrow," I nodded, a wave of sadness hit me but I pushed it away as Bucky kept talking, "War is dangerous and I might never see you again-"

"Please," I said quietly, "Don't say that," Bucky took me over to the worn couch and we sat down together, 

"I have to admit something," he sighed, I nodded, "I really like you,"

"I like you too, Bucky," I smiled, "You're my best friend," 

"No," Bucky chuckled and shook his head, "I like you more than a friend," 


"Let me finish," I nodded again, "I lo- I think I love you, Georgia," 

"I-" I started,

"You don't like me back?" Bucky asked, he stood up and paced, "I knew it, I should've never-"

"Bucky this is so sudden," I admitted, "I need some time to process this-"

"I don't have time, Georgia!" he said loudly, "What if I never see you again and I never knew if you loved me ba-" he sat down again, so close to me that I could smell his breath... alcohol.

"Bucky," I sighed, realising, "You're drunk," I went into the kitchen and poured him a glass of water and then watched him drink it, "Go home, go to sleep and we'll talk tomorrow at the train station," he nodded sadly and I helped him to the door and then watched him walk down the stairs and down the road. 

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