Chapter 6: Search and... Rescue?

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Diego sniffed the ground as he sighed in disappointment

"Nothing" Diego replied as Sid looked down at the ground

"I'm sorry, Sid" Manny said as he placed his trunk on Sid's shoulder as Sid sniffed and wiped his nose with Manny's trunk

"Oh, Granny. My sweet, malicious Granny. Why does it always have to be the old ones who go first? Why?" Sid wailed as he fell into a blubbering mess

Just then, they heard a faint noise echoing through the valley

"I can still hear her sweet, shrill voice shrieking from the afterlife" Sid sniffed happily as the shrieking sound became more clear and it sounded like one of intense pain

"Granny's alive!" Ellie gasped

"And she's in trouble!" Diego added as the herd took off and ran towards the asteroid

The repeatedly called for her while walking the trail, the shrieking continued and led them right inside the asteroid

Diego, Shira, Noa and Kai were ready to attack to one who was hurting the old sloth, only to abruptly stop and stare at the sight with their eyes wide and mouths open

"Is she okay?" Sid asked

"Uh, I'm not sure" Diego replied as he cringed

Inside the asteroid, there was a turquoise bunny with a very plushie cotton tail and was massaging Granny's back, Granny seemed very satisfied as she sighed and moaned in contentment

"Unhand my Granny!" Sid demanded as he marched up to the bunny

"You do and you don't get a tip" Granny said to the bunny

"Making this beautiful sloth happy is all the payment I need" the bunny said as he picked up Granny in his arm and walked down the asteroid's hall

"You see? Hunky bunny gets it" Granny shouted

"Granny!" Sid called

"There's a bunny living in the asteroid? Did not see that coming" Manny said

"Wait till you see this!" Ellie replied as she was way ahead of him

As the herd stepped out of the dark hall and entered into the open expanse of the asteroid, which was glittered with crystals of every color, size and shape, it was breathtaking and all kinds of animals were wandering around the asteroid, seeming very happy and content

One mammal jumped on a crystal that hovered and took off as he used the crystal walls to propel himself up

"Yeah! Catching mad air on the half-pipe!" Julian exclaimed in excitement

"This is crazy" Manny gasped

"Do you think they know they are living in a magnetic bull's-eye?" Ellie asked

"Doesn't look like a lot of doomsday prepping going on in here" Diego replied

Noa was amazed as she looked all over the place, so was Kai. He has never seen anything like this in his life. He looked over at Noa who'se sea foam green eyes were reflecting the pinkish-purple crystal's color

His heart melted for her, she looked so beautiful and innocent while looking at the crystals

"I can't believe it! Visitors! We've never had visitors" A British, female voice calledas a beautiful sloth with golden hair and a reddish coat that hung in curls around her paws flew towards the herd on one of the hovering crystal platforms

"Somebody pinch me. Or should I pinch you? Wait, I'll pinch both of us" the sloth giggled as she pinched Julian's cheek along with her own as they both chuckled

"Did I hit my head? What's happening here?" Manny asked

"I sure hope this isn't a- Oh!" The sloth exclaimed as she spun upside down and landed on the ground, she lifted herself up and her hair back with a dreamy expression on her face

"...dream!" She sang

The herd looked at her and looked at what she was looking, which was Sid, they all looked back at her in shock

The sloth whistled and two floating unicorns flew over to Sid and looked him up and down

"This guy? For real?" One asked

"Whatever" the other one shrugged as she scooped Sid on her back and dumped him in front of the female sloth

"Hello, handsome. I'm Brooke" the female sloth introduced herself as she twisted a lock of her golden hair around her finger as Sid's expression grew goofy

"Ooh. Such exquisite bone structure. Such a strong jaw" Brooke gasped in amazement as she felt Sid's flabby face, which was quite the contrary to her descriptions

"I'm getting butterflies!" Brooke sang as she flicked her hair back and butterflies flew out

"I'm getting nauseous" Manny mocked as Noa chuckled

"Seems like he found his love and a gorgeous one with an amazing personality" Noa smiled

"Indeed" Kai agreed as they leaned their heads on each other while looking at the duo

"Sorry to interrupt this weirdo love connection but we're kind of in a hurry" Diego said

"If we don't do something fast, that asteroid is gonna blow us all to smithereens" Buck exclaimed as he turned the sloth's heads up to look at the asteroid through the crystal ceiling of the asteroid they were currently in

"Oh. That sounds urgent. I better take you to him" Brooke replied

"Who's "him"? Your leader?" Diego asked

"He is our everything" Brooke replied

"He sees all" the two unicorns sang

"He knows all" Brooke added

"And he smells amazing!" The bunny replied

"Okay. Okay. He sounds great. Let's go!" Manny said

"Brilliant. Right this way" Brooke said as she extended a hand and the ponies tapped their hooves against the crystal and the floor dropped out beneath Sid and Brooke and flew down the crystal highway as Sid screamed all the way. One by one in pairs the herd got dropped through the floor as they yelled in surprise

Noa looked at Kai with wide eyes

"Oh, no" Kai gulped as the floor fell out from beneath them

Ice Age: Collision Course Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora