Chapter 5: Electrical Storm

Start from the beginning

Another bolt of lightning struck right in front of Noa and Kai as Noa screamed

Kai looked up that a branch was about to fall down onto Noa

"Look out!" Kai yelled as he dragged Noa away and saw how the branch caught fire when he landed on the electricity

Everyone ran out of the woods and dove into a clearing

"Everybody make it?" Diego asked as Sid started to count

"Shira, Manny, Crash, Eddie, Ellie, Granny. Aw shoot! I'm out of fingers" Sid panicked

"Buck. Where's Buck?" Diego asked as he looked behind to see Buck standing on the edge of a log while looking back at the forest

"Do you hear that?" Buck asked as he listened carefully

"A baby! There's a baby in there!" Buck yelled as he dove back into the forest

"Buck, wait! It's too dangerous" Crash called out

Suddenly, there was a loud explosion in the forest as the electricity built up and finally reached its limit

All went silent for a moment and then Buck's knife landed right in front of the possum twins as the herd let out a gasp

"He's gone" Ellie gasped followed by Sid

"I can't believe it"

"Don't know how we'll go on without you, Buck" Granny said sadly as her expression quickly changed and turned around

"All right, let's go" Granny said randomly

Suddenly, they heard Buck's scream as a log flew through the sky while electricity was still crackling

"It's Buck" Ellie and Noa gasped happily

The log crashed to the ground as Diego immediately came over and slashed off the top with his claws

Everyone gathered around as Buck huddled in the log while he held something

"I got you. Don't worry, I got you. There you are. There" Buck soothed the thing he was holding that was wrapped in a leaf as he stood up

"Say, "hi," everyone" Buck smiled as the herd blinked in confusion

"Isn't she gorgeous?" Buck asked as he presented a small, plump, orange pumpkin

"How can he tell it's a she?" Sid asked Diego as the stem of the pumpkin fell off

"Oh" Sid replied

"Such a good little poochie-woochie" Buck cooed as he kissed the pumpkin while Shira chuckled confusingly

"Just to be clear, that's a pumpkin, right?" Shira asked

"You dove back into that electrical maze for a pumpkin?" Min asked as Kai gently punched his shoulder

"She has a little jaundice, but I think she'll be okay. Yes, you will. I think I'll call you... Bronwyn" Buck cooed

"Um, little buddy? We need you back on planet Earth. While it's still here. Okay?" Manny asked as they started their way again

"Right you are, mammal. Who wants to save the world from the fiery as? You do!" Buck cooed

After hours of walking, they stopped for a moment as Buck looked looked at the sky and measured the asteroid with his thumb

"Mmm... Okay, mammals. Let's stop here for the night" Buck said

"Stop? What about the whole end of the world collision thing?" Manny asked

"Oh, asteroid's still a day off. And like my grandfather used to say. "Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Purple sky at night- who moved my foot cream? I need my foot cream"" Buck said as he imitated his grandfather

"Grampy was a confused and angry weasel" Buck said

Manny looked back at Julian and Diego as they were laughing and complimenting each other

"You are so funny, J" Diego laughed

"Stop! You're funny. Take it easy, my brother from a tiger mother" Julian replied as he and Diego fisted bumped each other in different ways

"Hasta manana, J-man" Diego waved as Julian walked off

"What was that?" Manny asked

What was what?" Diego asked as Manny swung his trunk around to make his point

"Oh, that! It's a cool way to peace out. Julian taught it to me" Diego replied

"Well, I'm glad the apocalypse is bringing you together" Manny snarked

"He's a good kid, Manny. I like his philosophy. Give him a chance. Bond with him" Diego suggested as Manny looked over at Julian who was singing while, Peaches, Noa, Kai, Sid and Granny were around the campfire

"So light 'me up, up, up
Light 'me up, up, up
Light 'em up, up, up
I'm on fire" Julian sang in a rock voice

Soon, Manny asked Julian to play ice hockey as Diego watched them playing and Ellie stayed with Peaches at the campfire

Noa, Kai and Min were watching the ice hockey game with Diego

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