Delfina Zema

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Okayyyyyy so if anyone has watched Luca and my friends in irl are probably tiered of hearing me talk about it, it is an amazing movie and is a must see!
So as the weirdo I am I took it upon myself to make an oc 🤣

Okayyyyyy so if anyone has watched Luca and my friends in irl are probably tiered of hearing me talk about it, it is an amazing movie and is a must see!So as the weirdo I am I took it upon myself to make an oc 🤣

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This is all I have of her as of now and will be adding her human form in here later.

More about Delfina;
Delfina lived an interesting life to say the least. Her parents were living on land when she was born and they ended up living like normal humans, she was just never aloud near the water. As she grew older, she wanted to venture out more and more and soon she jumped into the ocean and found out who she truly is.
She found and met family and brought them to the surface. While being scolded by her mother and father.
After a family reunion, it rained unexpectedly showing their true forms rather then their human ones. Because of this, humans in the town they lived in gathered around and began to catch and kill them.
Delfina was the only one able to escape thanks to her cousins sacrifice.
Thus, Delfina was left alone at only seven years old. She swam off and away close to Portorosso(don't judge my spelling, pls correct me gently if it's wrong XD) and ended up living on a different island near the town. At this point, she was to afraid to leave it or go into the ocean.
After a year or two, she swam onto a cargo ship and ended up going to Scotland. Unsure of her way around and not understanding anyone, she eventually came across another sea monster near a lake called LochNess who happens to be in a similar situation.
After some friendly conversation through gestures and picture drawings, the two found another cargo ship heading back to Italy. The two now live on Delfina's island and haven't come in contact with humans since.


Welp. As you can see I really like the sea monster ideas and just had to include one from another country I want to visit lol, and Scotland having sea monsters and it also being a place I want to go seemed perfect so please do not judge meeeeeeeee! Anyway, until I get her human picture here and when I get her buddy updated on the next chapter, cya later My lil Biscottis!

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