"It looks actually quite great" Kayla says glancing at me while putting her bracelet on.

" Yes it does look great. Actually, I like this one better on you." Elif says then looks at herself in the Mirror for one last time and motioning to the door. "Everyone ready?" she smiles.

"Absolutely." Kayla replies and I nod. 

Elif links her arms with me and Kayla. 

And that's how we walk out the corridor, laughing and talking on our way to the Great Hall. All of us were probably exited for what was coming up. Not one of us three had ever been to the Yule Ball before. Banning Tom Riddle from my thought I decide to be exited to spend some time with Fred. Besides, it is  the Yule Ball at Hogwarts after all.


Then it was finally the Moment that we had to step into the great Hall. I remembered from the Movies how pretty Hermione looked when she was walking down the stairs that we were about to walk down. 

Then we slowly started walking and walked down the stairs. A lot of eyes were on us. But i was looking at Fred while walking down the Stairs. He was wearing a black suit and it did fit him very well. He was looking at me with a smile on his Face. When we arrived at the end of the stairs i looked at Kayla and at Elif. Elif was waving at Stiles and Kayla was smiling at someone. When i followed her eyes i saw how she was looking to Draco. Then i looked at the Great Hall. Students talking pepole on the dancefloor dancing, the Yule Ball had already started. But the one thing o could clearly see was how everyone was in a very Happy mood. My eyes slowly went from the crowd of Students to Fred when Elif slightly touched my shoulder and said „Have fun see you later" i nodded and she walked in Stiles direction. 

„You look very beautiful" Fred finally said looking at me up and down with a smile on his face. 

„I know. But you don't look that bad yourself" I replied and returned his smile. 

„I don't look very bad?" he said dramatically putting a hand on his chest acting offended then adding „Just admit i look very handsome."

„Fred Weasley you are unbelievable" i said smacking  him playfully on his arm. 

„I am a handsome unbelievable boy am i not?" he said smirking and i just shook my head. 

„Do you want to come dance?" Fred asked. it it didn't really seem like a question. It seemed like he was affirming something. I just sighed and nodded. I'd definitely die here. Maybe i was good at a lot of stuff but NOT dancing. 

Fred held his arm out to me and sighing i I hooked my arm into his. The next thing i remember was that we went to the dance floor. 


This was like hours later

And then we danced. Just danced. Time passed by quite fast. I didn't even know for how long we had been dancing tho. I probably actually really had fun. Fred was laughing all along. He was in a good mood. And i could say i was in a very good mood to. 

Trying to get some air i gasped. „Are you alright?" Fred asked. The truth was i was very okay. more than okay. 

„Im literally so tired. Do you want to take a break from dancing? Maybe get some snacks or something." I replied looking at Fred. 

He nodded. „I was actually waiting for you to ask that" he smiled politely. 

„Well let's go then" i answered and we both walked to the Tables. They were actually full of Food. I probably wanted to try everything if i could.

After a while i chose a piece of strawberry cake and sat down with Fred next to me. We talked for a while and joked around till we both didn't say anything and started to eat. 

I looked at the crowded students and the Students dancing. There were less pepole dancing than before but still, everyone looked happy. The Yule Ball was like some type of fairytale or good dream and i really didn't want to make it end. 

After a while looking at the Pepole smiling to myself i looked over the Students again. And suddenly my smile disappeared. 

I hadn't seen Tom all night long. 

For some reason i thought he would come to the Yule Ball with someone else. But so far i hadn't seen him. Maybe i was just completely wrong tho, maybe he was at the Yule Ball and i was just blind. 

He didn't come. 

I couldn't stand the thought of Tom not coming to the Yule Ball for some reason. Yes, it was Tom ofcourse but this was a special occasion and literally nobody should miss it. 

„Uhm.. Fred do you mind if i just go.." i took a break. This was so unfair to him. He didn't deserve me or anything that i was doing. But i still continued „Do you mind if i just go? I mean if i leave?" i asked. He looked confused. „Like leave leave? But nobody has left yet and i thought we'd be going dancing after again."

„Uhm well yes. I'm sorry fred i just need to.." i wanted to continue but he interrupted me „You want to go search for Riddle don't you?" 

I looked at him, feeling bad but he just gave me an encouraging smile. „It's fine i get it. I'll be going to see Fred." he looked at Fred that was dancing with his Yule Ball date laughing and jumping around like a child. 

„Well I'll just be third wheeling them i guess" he corrected himself and chuckled smiling. 

„Thank you Fred." i replied and gave him a genuine smile while leaving my plate on the table and standing up. 

But then when i was just about to leave the great Hall in direction of the Slytherin Dormitories i saw Stiles. And then i saw Sophia. They were walking out the Great Hall too. Laughing and held onto eachother. I raised my eyebrows being surprised while i quickly looked back into the Great Hall. I could see Lorenzo and how he was with a Group of Pepole including Blaise and some other Slytherins. And then i could spot Elif talking to Kayla and Millicent. I didn't even think Elif or Lorenzo had noticed how their Dates were gone. 

„Well Tom can wait." i muttered under my breath and decided to go after Sophia and Stiles as fast as i could. I had no idea were they were going. After some time following them i decided to stay behind and try to look around where i was. Was this the way to were the Mirror of Erised stood?  I wasn't quite sure actually. When i looked up again i panicked. I couldn't see Stiles and Sophia. Where did they even go to? Did they just randomly disappear or what? I kept walking to the right Corridor because i assumed that was the Direction they walked to. 

I sighed. There was no way i would actually find them now that i had lost them. Just when i was about to turn around to actually go back and search for Tom i heard someone laughing. 

Then as fast as i could i looked around the corner from where the noise came from. 

And there they were ofcourse. Stiles and Sophia. But this Time they weren't arguing about something or insulting eachother. 

They were kissing. 

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