Exiled Part 2

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Day 9, I survived TJ's attack but I lost my eye i'm starting to think god is punishing for killing my little brother I was determined to get out of this piece land so I gathered a bunch of weapons and made a mask and rain coat for the weather and I headed out of my house and started to walk for my own survival because if I don't leave this cabin they will kill me.

Night 9, I walked to were the exit was but there was nothing but fog so I entered the fog then two guys ran at me so I pulled my shotgun out and shot them each two times and continued to walk then a tall woman walks towards me and says "Nick there's no exit." I responded "Rebecca what the fuck are you talking about?" she point at me and said "You can't kill the burning people they simply are between life and death." I didn't respond and kept walking forward for a while until I walked face first into a big tree I got up examined the shapes carved into the tree for two hours then something told me to touch the tree when I did I saw a war between demons and angels when I woke up I was back in the cabin I started to cry because something was keeping me here and I needed to know what was keeping me here and why.

Day 10, I walked out of the cabin again and walked down the left path hoping to find another cabin as kept walking I ran into a hospital as I walking in I felt a cold chill go down my spine so I turned around and Rebecca was staring right at me and smiling then she said "Come with me he's waiting for you." I responded "Who's waiting for me Rebecca?" She grabbed my hand and we started walking we stopped at room one fourteen she looked at me and said "He might still be mad at you Nick so be careful." I nodded my head and then I walked in room it was dark room I look around for a minute until the lights turned on a man was laying in a hospital bed with a note in his hand the note reads "Shino I gave you something very special a Nephilim heart you get to see the light of day and I get to see my wife again your friend always Nomad." I looked down and put my two finger on Shino's neck to find a pulse but he was dead from the moment I stepped in the room so I put covers over Shino's dead body then I left the room and sat down to cry I got enough information to know that i'm never getting out of here.

Night 10, I kept walking down the halls of the hospital every turn I took I saw piles of rotting corpses it's like they were burnt to a crisp in the blink of an eye my hope kept declining every turn I took was I really left to rot here is this my hell I started to praying to god to let me out after minutes of praying a light hit my face and TJ whispered in my ear "You used me so I'm gonna make you lose hope." I turned around and pinned. TJ up against the wall and asked "What did I do to you huh?"he responded "It's what you will do to all of us." I asked the same question again but he gave me the same response I eventually gave up and walked away back to my cabin I locked every door and waited for a friend to show up and rescue me but no one came so I shut my eyes and went to sleep after one or two I woke up to the smell of something burning I looked everywhere but I found nothing then I pulled up my shirt and my skin on my stomach was burning off I passed out and woke up in a hospital bed I looked to the right and there was a man staring back at he got closer and said "We were dealt the wrong hand Nick." Then I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Day 11, I woke up in my bed I was back in the cabin again I got up and walked to the kitchen were TJ was he told me he was programed by the government to hate me i asked him "Will you help me escape the land?" TJ responded "Even if we had could escape were would we go Nick.?" I couldn't answer the question he asked me because the only thing I know is death and heart break even if I knew what I would do when I escaped this hell it wouldn't be normal for me anymore but I do know other places to settle down maybe I could have a peaceful life when i'm out of here. I walked over to my back and gave TJ my shotgun and said "Don't shoot me ok." we both walked outside and started walking west that's were TJ said the lab was after half an hour of walking we ran into a group of people one asked if we were lost the others told me to put my rifle down so I did i told them there was a way out all they had to do is follow us and they did as we kept walking I looked at the peoples hands there bone structure of the hand was shaped differently so I stopped the group and asked "Which one of you is a wendigo?" The woman of the group responded "I didn't have a choice I was going to starve to death." TJ cocked his shotgun and shot twice and said "Anyone else into cannibalism?" we all shook our heads and kept walking we stayed at another cabin far from mine and stayed there till night fall.

Night 11, TJ told us to sleep till day but we all stayed up because no one trusted anyone so I walked over to the door and locked it and said "Anyone know who Shino is?" they all shook there heads then TJ responded "I saved his life in the end." TJ started to cry and then locked himself in the master bedroom after an hour of staying up I passed out and woke up to the group letting some person who looks like me so I charged the person with a knife and tackled him and asked "Who the fuck are you?" he responded "i'm you and it'll stay that way." then I was knocked out and woke up locked up in a cage I yelled for help but no one came to my rescue I knew it was the end so I took the clip out of my gun and loaded one bullet in the chamber and asked myself "Do I deserve to die right now?" at that moment someone responded "It's a death loop Nick so whatever you do you won't get out of here." I looked the ceiling and said "I won't be here to see the others rot here to die." then I pulled the trigger. I woke up back in the cabin there was something keeping me here and this was the beginning to something new.

To be continued...

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