Of the call

"Bye" I said with a slight chuckle and then hung up. I'm SO SO goddam happy. I wasn't expecting her to forgive me that easily, but I was kinda hoping she would. But like I said before, I have to go, I have to go see the team sheet. See if I made the soccer academy. I mean I'm pretty confident. I played really well, and I definitely stood out. I mean I was the only one their who got a scholarship so I reckon I have quite a high chance of getting in .

Dixie's pov
10:00am (in Arizona)

Noah rang me about an hour ago now, and I couldn't stay mad at him for much longer, I mean i know it was an accident, and if I did it I would want to be forgiven, so I thought I might as well repay him for looking after me for 17, 18 years. And anyway. He's still my bestriend, and still my boyfriend and outer relationships wouldn't have worked out very well if I was mad at him.
Anyway I have a doctors appointment booked in for half an hour. I've been ill for a while now, and it's constantly getting worse and worse. I mean yesterday out of 24 hours I was awake for 8 of them. As in I woke up at 11:00am and went to sleep again at 7:00pm. And I was still tired. Like how is that even possible. Also I'm not as attracted to food as much anymore. Meaning that I only have like 1 meal a day which is weetabix. My birthday was the only exception in 3 weeks. And still I only had some toast, fish fingers and mango. Which really isn't a lot when you think about it.

Heidi's pov:
Amy, dix and I were at the doctors, as I was really worried about dixie, I mean yesterday she was only awake for about 8 maybe 9 hours, it's really really not like her. She's also always pale or green, and has thrown up at least once a day for the past 3 weeks.
"Dixie d'amelio?!" The doctor called
"Yes that's us" Amy said as we all stood up.
"Okay right this way"
We followed her, and then sat down in the room. Dixie on the bed, and me and Amy sat on the chairs.
"Hi guys, I'm Jane, as you know, and I will be helping you today." "First question is what has bought you here today dixie
"Um I don't know, I guess I've been feeling quite ill recently, and I've been getting constant throbing pains in my lung, chest area.
"OK I think I know what you may have, I'm really, really hoping you don't dix, but I'll just go check now."
"Don't be worried sweetpea"amy said whilst getting up to sit next to
"You'll be fine, yea?"
"Mhm" I replied. I was scared, yes. Like why wouldn't I be, my doctor of what, 5 years has just told me she is worried about me. That is the last thing you want to hear from your doctor. Trust me.

5 minutes later:
Dixie's pov:

Jane had just got back, in her right hand she had a clipboard full of words, top to bottom, with heavy flustered look spread across her face. And in her left hand, she had weird pills and x-ray machine type things.

"So," Jane coughs slightly, as if trying to hold back tears or something, nerving me and making me feel slightly nervous."umm we are going to do some tests on you Dix, which will determine what is wrong with your lungs. Yea ?!"
"Mhm ok" i say slightly more confident now
"Everything will be fine Dix, yea? There's nothing to be afraid of"
"Yea see dix, you'll be fine"amy said to me clearly trying to cheer me up, and some how succeeding
"Yea I know" I said as Jane was setting up the equipment, and getting the x-ray ready for me to have my scan.

5 minutes later:
Amy my mom and I were just talking, about my birthday when Jane asked me to sit on the bed.
"OK dix, so what wea re going to do is put you through this x - Ray machine right here, and it will only hurt for a minute or so, but after that it should be fine ok
"Yea ok" i replied, not scared as such, more worried if you know what I mean.

I was In this tube sort of thing, covered In loads and loads of weird complicated buttons and stuff. And it hurt A LOT more than I was expecting. Like A LOT more. I had these uncomfortably sharp pains in my ribs, lung area, and there were flashing lights everywhere, so afterwards I was like blind. Well not really but you know what I mean.

3 minutes later:
I had just got out of the machine, and Jane had just told us that she would be back in 3 minutes max. I was nervous, not gonna lie, but I decided if I prepared my self for the utter worst, then it wouldn't shock me as much when I hear the actually news...... if you get what I'm saying.

1 minute later:
Jane had just got back, and asked my mom, Amy and I to sit down. "OK dixie" she said Reading through her notes,then looking up to speak to us fully "...you have a rare type of cancer in your lungs, that affects your breathing, like for food, sleeping schedule and obviously health. And so the reason that you've been feeling so ill alot recently, is because your cancer has been spreading through your chest and ribcage, making it painful for you to do things. "When did I get it? Like when did it first enter my body?" I ask emotionless. Yes I was shocked and yes I was scared, but I've already been feeling ill, and now I know what is wrong, it just means I can get better. And I mean my mom has always said, although it may sound cringy, always see the nice in the evil, and always find the good in the bad. And I like that motto, it's so.ething I can hang onto, and make me not feel down... "3 months ago, but it looks like its been getting progressively worse"
"Do I need to stay in the hospital?" "Not right now, well make you a room, and in about 3 weeks you can move in. Are you okay with that?" "Yea that's fine, thanks for letting us know" "no problem dixie, but you'll be fine, I promise you. And that's when it his me...

I have cancer

Hi sorry for not posting earlier, but I'm starting to have more soccer/football tournaments, and so I will try to post whenever I have any free time
~word count 1,450 words~

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