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~ suna pov ~

Soon lunch was over and so was school not long after.we went to the gym to start conditioning. We did this once a week at least on demands of kita. 

After sweating out all the liquids in my body conditioning was over and we left. the twins and  had preplanned a hangout today with aran. All four of us walked back to aran's house because it was closet to the school. When we arrived we decided to play some ping pong in the basement reck room he has.

Soon I decided to sort things out because I knew that atsumu was mad because he was losing. he never loses this much. We decided to take a break. I took my chances. "Hey atsumu want to explain about you losing this much. I know it's bugging you and I don't want bad blood with a friend."

"I wanted her." he paused "you knew that."

"I know"

"So why would you ask her out on the same day? You went to karasuno and asked her out. Tell me everything that made you go."

"I asked her out because I also liked her. She texted me that you confessed, I facetimed her. She was crying and was obviously distressed. I bought a ticket and went over. We hung out at the park and I cheered her up. I took my chance and confessed and asked her out, she agreed and said she'd felt the same. then we stopped by a cafe and I left."

"Did you kiss her?" he asked approaching me.

"yes." I said flatly.

He grabbed me shirt with both his hands and started shaking me. "your a horrible friend! While I was in pain you were what? Saying I love you to the girl who I still love." He was starting to hit my chest with tears pricking his eyes. The others were trying to separate us but atsumu wouldn't stop.

"I didn't do this to hurt you, neither did she. I get that you love her, obviously." I said back letting him pound at my chest. "just because someone doesn't love you back doesn't mean that you aren't apart of their life. Just because you lost someone doesn't mean that someone else won't come along. You're gonna find someone that you'll love more than you could've y/n. It'll make this seem like a elementary crush."

"Then what about your love for her. What makes you love her so much to do this to me?" He screamed in my face with tears threatening to fall.I was getting angry. "If this is some little crush for me then what's yours hu? I love her more then you could ever!"Now I was more angry then I've every felt. He was still standing in front of me.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "Listen here! I love her more then you every could or will! I spend my nights and mornings on calls with her. I've protected her from people left and right because I'm scared for her! i care for her! She means everything to me! I don't care if I'm labeled as the villain in this situation because of that. I love her atsumu I won't stop just because you like her!" I was squeezing his shoulder, digging my fingers and nails into it. " I love her atsumu I would give the world for her. I've thought that since I've met her you won't change that."  

I felt him grab my wrist. "I know I can't."

Aran popped up in between us separating us. "let's continue playing."

"actually I'm gonna go home bye guys." Atsumu said walking out. Leaving Osamu, me, and aran alone.

"So what now? It's only 6." Aran said after he left

"We could always just go around." osamu responded

"Yeah let's meet at the park with our boards in like 15." Aran said.We nodded and left.

Osamu and I walked out and started toward our houses. We stayed quiet while we walked for a few minutes. 

"sorry about him suna I don't know what's going in his mind." he started

"I just." I exhaled a long breath, "i don't know what to do in this situation i guess but skating will clear my mind."

"that's great."

We approached our houses. I got my board and waited on my porch for Osamu to pass. after a few minutes he came and we started skating toward the park. Aran was already there when we got there. we started on the way to the 7/11 near the park.

When we got there I got a monster and jelly stick, aran got some ritz crackers, and osamu got some random snacks since they didn't have onigiri. We then skated back to the park. We found the picinic tables and osamu sat on it like a normal person while aran and i sat on top. We chatted and laughed a little. 

"Oh heyy osamu, heyy suna, heyy aran." A girl said with like 3 girls behind her. I've literally never seen her in my life. Osamu turned to face them and put on a weird contorted smile.

"hello..." he said

"Oh I'm macy. This is ava, stella, and blossom."
(sorry if one of these are your name just replace it or something)

"well hello." He said giving a small smile while aran and I knew what was gonna happen.

"We osamu I was wondering if we could hangout with you guys?" She asked twisting her leg on her toe acting all shy.

"I don't see why not." They came and sat down, the girl named macy sat by osamu while the other's sat on the other side of the table. Aran and I continued our chat about the best caffien drink. 

"It's monster I'm telling you." I said

"coffee is better then energy drinks" he said in return

"Osamu what do you think? coffee or monster?"

"Uh I like coffee better." He said

"WEirdos." I said when I felt something on my hand. I shook it off thinking it was just a bug. 

We started a new argument about just hobbies. I totally turned out the obvious fangirls that were at the table. 

"Yeah turns out that y/n and I are like the same person weird right." They shrugged already knowing who y/n was.

"Who's y/n?" macy asked

"She's a volleyball player that goes to karasuno. Why's it matter?" I said

"How'd you guys meet." She asked not answering my question. From always being with the twins I know their fangirls get jealous.

"Oh the twins and I met her when she was added to a discord server with a ton of volleyball players. Her and the twins and me are close."


"why what?" Samu asked.

"Why would you be friends with her she sounds lame." Macy said

"Did you miss the part when suna said that he and her are very similar." He said rolling his eyes.

"Not that she just sounds like another toxic fangirl." she said.

now this was getting on my nerves. "Oh you mean like you guys? I mean you guys are critisizing a girl you've guys haven't met just because she's friends with the twins and I." Aran just looked at me shocked.

I mostly ignored my fangirls and everyone elses just staying in a conversation with someone else or something. I never talked to them let alone burn them. "Why are you defending her? She's probably putting on a mask just to use you guys. I care about you guys." She said putting a hand on her chest and clinging onto osamu's arm and shoulder. He quickly moved away.

"yeah bu I bet she actually cares rather then just want us for our fame." he said moving away.

"That's not true!" she got up so did her little minions, they walked away.

I had a snire on my face and we all looked kind of discusted at what they just did.

"Our fangirls are  getting worse." Osamu said

"you mean your guys' I don't have any." Aran said

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