I track Thomas's phone and leave when I see they are a few blocks away. Luckily for me the drug store is only about 2 minutes away so I am back at the house in 10 minutes. Maybe I should call Dixie, I don't really want to be alone when I find out. Then again what if Thomas sees she's here and asks what's going on. What if I am, what are we going to tell Chloe, what if she feels like she's being replaced by this baby. I quickly take the test and set up my timer. I watch the clock on the wall slowly ticking, the sound is the only thing keeping me sane. Tik tik tik tik tik tik. I pick the test up and flip it over. My heart drops when I see it...

It's positive

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It's positive.

The first thought that zooms through my head is Chloe. She's been through so much, she totally is going to feel as though we are replacing her. I lean against the wall, the cool tile feels good against my skin. "I'M HOME" I hear Thomas yelling from downstairs "WHERE ARE YOU!"

I quickly shove the test into my pocket "IN THE BATHROOM" I yell back trying my hardest to not let him hear that I was crying. His footsteps ringing through the hallway.

"Why are you on the floor?" he sits down next to me. I keep the test in my pocket and choke back my tears but I guess he knew something was up. "Don't cry, just tell me what's wrong." His strong arms wrap around my torso and hold me close.

"You have to promise not to get mad," I whimper

He raises his eyebrow and nods, I pull the test out of my pocket. He just stares at it with a blank expression before asking "why would I be mad? Wait, it's mine right?"

I just look at him like he's nuts. "Of course it is, I'm just worried about Chloe's going to think we're replacing her."

"No, she's going to be so excited. Remember when Dixie told us she was pregnant" he brushes some hair behind my ear.


Dixie had gathered us all in the living room because she said she had an announcement. "So you're probably all wondering why you're here" she starts

"Let me guess your pregnant" Patrick jokes

Dixie and Noah exchange a look "uhhhh"

Adopted by Thomas and MiaWhere stories live. Discover now