The family he longed for ....

Start from the beginning

She was preparing to propose once again in this relationship, her last hope to be with him, she wants to say everything that bottles up deep in her heart, her last chance. if he didn't accept she knows it's their last day in this relationship. They two are already fed up but they didn't  initiate to broke this already shattered relationship for a long time.Maybe it's for that.


she arrived at Alex's apartment half an hour before their meeting time. she's restless so much that her fair slender hands were ice cold.

she waited...waited....waited...

Time is already 9 pm. Her restless mind and heart already calmed down for a long time. Even though they are not close enough, they always meet exactly at the decided time, if they can't be in time at least there will be a message if not a phone call. she already called him several times and messaged him a bunch, she likes to think he was in a meeting or any dire situation so he can't come, but not a single message or phone call came. she wants to say everything today, she wants to know the answer.


Alex lead the way after arriving at the desolated place, he kept on walking, there are bushes and trees everywhere, there's no clear path ahead only plants and trees.

jas started to terrifies a bit, okay not a bit but a lot. Alex didn't say a word and kept on walking, it's like he was going to kill him and bury him deep in this place, maybe he was wrong to follow him? but his heart was still in the race to see Alex, he doesn't know if it's the same for Alex, then suddenly Alex stopped in his moments and turned to face him with a caring smile adorned his face, his eyes were in a crescent because of the smile. All the uncertainties were warded off in that second, jas was chanted by his smile. his heart was saying to him, that it was correct to follow him, that it was going to be a happy moment in his life.

" We are here " Alex announced but there was nothing but the plants. He then did some pushing and pulling of plants before they get to witness a beautiful scene.

There's a lake with clean transparent blue water with trees surrounding the lake, leaves were brushing each other with rustling sound because of the wind. The swans and ducklings floating and quacking because of the pleasure they get from the cool water, jas can't even understand how come even ducks are here, it's like a forest. Birds we're chirping everywhere not loud but like a classic melody, it enters their ear and calms their mind, tress was lush green, it seem to be like places where confession held in romantic movies or dramas. The winds brushed off jas cheeks like kissing him. He giggled unknowingly by the pleasant wind, suddenly he was pulled somewhere...




He was standing and gazing out the windows there was a garden full of grasses and there are swings and seesaws for children.

Suddenly someone hugged his waist from behind, resting his face in the crook of his neck and sniffing." shall we go for a horse ride tomorrow "  he was shuddered by that man's touch and alluring silver voice, the shudder caused the man to chuckle.

Before he can answer it, a child's voice was heard saying " Daddy I want to I want to " the man chuckled again and get off of him and hugged the running child " my baby wish is my wish "

jas turn around to see Alex holding a 3 years old child who looks partially like him and Alex, hugging his neck and smiling like a little sun. They fixed their gaze at him for an answer.




He was then pulled back out to see Alex back at him, he was facing the lake and slowly turned around to look at him.

At the moment, jas saw a panic expression on Alex's face as he hurried towards him asking what happened, he was confused why he was asking that and was not sure that he came back from his vision or not.

A slight cool hand caress his face " why are you crying " Alex asked like he was in pain, that's when jas realized he was crying.

jas placed his hand above Alex and closed his eyes recalling the vision he had just now. He was so happy that he started to cry. so this was his future. he can't contain his joy, this was the best vision he ever had, his heart bloomed by this sudden happiness.

He always longed for the warmth of the family, the one he wants for his future, seeing that in the vision, his future, he can't help but cry. He was going to have a beautiful family and a cute son who looks like Alex and him. The wish he had for his life after his mother died. It will happen.

" it's nothing, I'm just happy. it's so beautiful " jas opened his beautiful hazel eyes with water suspending in them and pointed to the lake.

Alex was relieved thinking that jas was happy to be here, good thing he brings him here instead of somewhere.

" it's my special spot only few people know this " he holds jas hand in his, jas hand-fitted perfectly in his.

jas smiled at the words. he's one of the few important people for him now. ' Maybe he was going to be the key for his happiness '

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