One more, please!

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'kay!' Shinji breath, looking at his lover - Kowaru - before leaving for work. 'I'll be going the'

Shinji's voice being muffled once more as Kowaru brought his lips down on his. He was forced to stand on his toes as Kowaru brought his arm around his waist, lifting him. Its cold right now, winter actually and Kowaru's lips on Shinji's felt perfect.

The brunette broke the kiss to gasped some air, then laughed. ‘Alright, that's enough,’ he said, pulling back slightly.

Kowaru started leaning in again, his arm tightening over his and Shinji placed his palms against his lover's chest, pushing him away slightly and he stopped for a moment, pouting at him.

'Shinji-kun~' Whine Kowaru. So childish!

‘That was the last one.’ Shinji said, tapping Kowaru's lips, smiling at how adorable he was.

‘Aww. I'm going to miss you.'

'You say that everyday'

'because I love you! I LOVE SHIN' As he was about to scream that one, before the neighbors get mad again because of him, Shinji covered Kowaru's mouth then eyed him to stop. Kowaru nods then Shinji bring down his hands. Letting Kowaru brush his lips on his cheeks and kiss him there once more.

Shinji giggled while Kowaru groaned.

‘Kowaru-kun, It's cold out here.’ Shinji said.

Kowaru pulled back then grabbed his shoulders, 'I can cook you pancakes!' he said, smiling as bright as ever. Shinji shook his head and laughed at him.

‘Thank you but no.' He looked at his watch, 'Kowaru-kun, I need t—' he started to say but his sneaky boyfriend had already muffled his lips. Shinji smiled and threw his arms around Kowaru's neck, tip toeing further to meet him. They both heard a neigbhor protest but they didn't mind.

Finally, with one more kiss, Shinji pulled back, giggling as Kowaru leaned in forward, desperately searching for his lips again. Shinji playfully smacked Kowaru's chest.

‘Stop. Enough Kowaru. I will be late.’ He said, trying to be firm. Kowaru sigh, 'Fine but come home early, ne?' and Shinji nodded.

‘And then I'll cook pancakes for you.’ Kowaru added and he nodded, giggling.

'pancakes it is.'

‘can't wait.’ Kowaru whispered, pressing his forehead against the brunette.

‘Neither can I.  But now…I…really have to go,’ Shinji said, attempting to remove his arms around Kowaru's neck. The white haired guy dropped his arms, as Shinji pressed one more kiss on his cheek.

‘See you, Kowaru-kun.’ Kowaru can't help but smile then nodded.

Shinji had just turned around, grabbing his bags then a long, slender fingers wrap themselves around his arm, pulling him back.

Shinji squeaked, suprised. 'K-Kowaru-kun!'

‘One more,’ Kowaru whispered. Making Shinji blush, stared into his ruby eyes.

Shinji gaze travelled down to his lips, already inch away, open to devour him again.


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