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Dante is in his chair reading with Morrison playing pool with Lady. When a boy around 8 years old comes in with a baseball cape covering his hairand green eyes.

Morrison: "Can i help you young man.

Zack: "I'm looking for dante Sparda.

Morrison and Dante froze hearing him say sparda. Then Dante walk over to him.

Dante: "I'm Dante.

Zack looks at him and smiles removing his cap revealing his white hair surprising Dante.

Zack: "I'm Zack Sparda your son.

Lady yelling: "SON.

Morrison and Dante look surprised then Zack hands Dante a letter. He sees the name on it and looked concerned.

Dante: "Lisa?

Morrison: "Who.

Dante: "She was the first person i met in town. She was always here helping me. But she had to move away to help her mother and i never heard from her since.

Zack covers his eyes crying. Dante sees this and opens the letter. After a few seconds he looks down into the surprise of Morrison and lady had tears going down his face.

Lady: " What does it say Morrison?

Morrison walks over and takes the letter and reads it aloud.

Dear Dante

You may not remember me but it's Lisa if you're getting this letter that means I'm dead in's I'm dead and you've finally met your son Zack. That night before i left you and i got drunk and had a one night stand. I found out i was pregnant a month after i left. When you told me that you were related to Sparda i knew he would be in danger so i raised him as best i could it's it was best i could but if you're readiness that means I'm gone and cannot raise him anymore. Please forgive me for not telling you but I knew you wanted dimensions for what happened to your mother i didn't wanna put more stress on you and we were both young at the time. But please now I love you with all my heart. You will always be the same man who saved me that night please raise our son.

Sincerely Lisa Redgrave.

P.S. I know we never married but I always love your last name that's why i changed it. To remember you my  Infamous hunter.

Lady and Morrison were shocked Dante had never mentioned Lisa or his life before he met them. Dante walked over to Zack kneeling down employment for a hug and then put his hands on his shoulder making Zack face Dante.

Dante: " I am so sorry i wasn't there for you. But i promise I'll be there for you now. t'll be different for both of us.. but i promise i will be their with you.

Zack: "I'd like that.

Lady walked over and kneeled down next to Zack.

Lady: " I'm lady I'm a friend of your dad it's nice to meet you.

Zack: " It's nice to meet you too.

Lady smiles and pats Zack on the head and she brings him the couch as he brings a book out of his bag and reads it.

Dante then goes over and sits in a chair next to Zack.

Dante: " Zack what all do you know about our family.

Zack: "All i know is that grandfather was a demon and grandmother was a human but that's about it.

Everyone was surprised that Zack knew that much but nothing else. Dante motioned lady to come over since she knew the story well.

Lady " I hope you look a good story because I'm going to tell you the story of your grandfather.

Zack: "Wow but what happened to grandfather and grandmother.

Lady: " Your grandfather disappeared no one knows where he went as for your grandmother. I'm afraid she's with your mother right now.

Zack Look down said but then parks up and looks at Dante.

Zack: " What about uncle mom did say you had a brother?

Dante: " I'll tell you that when you're older it's pretty mature.

Zack starts yawning and ever looks to see it's already night.

Lady: " How about we get you to bed.

Zack sleepy: "O...ok.

Lady walks Zack upstairs to a extra bedroom that Dante never uses. He takes his shoes off and lays down in the bed and she pulls the covers over him and walks out gently closing the door.Yeah she walks down and sees Dante sitting in a chair holding a locket when she looks she sees it's a girl with Brown hair and green eyes fair skin with her arm around Dante.

Lady: " Is that Lisa.

Dante smiles and chuckles.

Dante: " She was the only human that my parents trusted knowing my father's identity. She thought it was cool having two friends that were half deep. Back then we were stick as thieves.

Lady: " Sounds like a happy memory.

Dante: " In a way mean Virgil also her body guards one day walking through town we saw her getting attacked by a bunch of other kids so we jumped in and beat them up. Afterwards we got yelled at by our mom. But since we were defending Lisa she didn't punish us. I always thought she was cute back then still do now.

Lady: " How do you feel truthfully about to Zach. Knowing you have a son.

Dante: " What can i say hes my son.  Lisa wants me to protect him so i will.

Lady seemed surprised he would Dante talk like this but smiles.

Lady: "You sound like a dad already.

Lady leaves leaving Dante alone since Morrison had already left. He looks back at the locket with Lisa having her arm around Dante and Vergil

Dante: " Lisa I will protect our son. I promise.


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