The Wild Whippy Adventure - Part 2

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The Wild Whippy Adventure - part 2

Heyo everybody! Before you read this story, if you haven't already, please read the first part of the story!

The wild whippy went with the knight, who was running towards a castle made of gold, and a strange orange and blue material. As they were running towards the castle, lots of strange creatures looked and waved at the whippy such as a purple tortoise, a grey and white man, and a rubix cube with legs and arms.

They went inside the castle, where there was a man in a orange and blue suit who was sitting in a throne, who was also being guarded by two people: a man with brown hair and goggles, and a tree who looked to have legs and arms made of oak. The whippy seemed very baffled by all of this.

"Your honor, ZL, I have a newcomer," said the knight in a more serious tone

"AH! A newcomer! Haven't had a new one for a while... what's your name?" said the man in the orange and blue suit

"My name's Whippy," said the whippy

"Why hello there whippy! I see you've landed in this kingdom, and I know you may be confused by everything that's happened. Not to worry though! Our amazing knight will give you a tour around the kingdom, and will show you around! Also, where are my manners?! My name is ZL, and I run this kingdom!" said ZL in a more excited voice, "Now, about that tour?" asked ZL

"If you'd follow me, Whippy?" said the knight

Whippy followed the knight out of the castle.


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