We walked to lunch together and smiled when our table was free.
"Anyway," Dalia said as we sat down with our lunch bags our mums made for us at home. "Have you actually seen the Livestream they did when they asked for me?" She asked before taking a bite from her sandwich.
"No! And don't spoil it because I was going to watch it this afternoo-" I was interrupted by my phone ringing. Dalia lifted an eyebrow as I pulled my phone from my pocket and checked who was calling. My eyes widened in shock. I remember that number!!
"OMG!" I mouthed to Dalia before hitting answer and pressing the phone to my ear. I looked around to double check no teachers were looking before talking into it.
"Hello," I said cheerfully.
"Hey Jenni," either Harry or Edward spoke and I started to freak out....again. Dalia looked at me confused for a few seconds before her eyes widened in shock when she realised who was on the phone.
"Is that them now?!" He whispered in a hiss. I nodded before waving my hand to shush her because I needed to talk.
"Hey," I smiled. "How was Marcel? Did he say it was her?" I questioned nervously as Dalia waited in suspense.
"Yeah," they spoke cheerfully. "He said it was her then he started to cry. It was so cute. That picture made him so happy," he spoke and I could hear that there was a smile on his face.
"Awwww that must have been nice," I smiled and looked over to Dalia who was trying her best to listen in.
"Yeah it was. Anyway, we've organised it with Simon and we want you and Dalia on a plane and here by 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon-"
"Wait," I interrupted. "You want us to get on a plane and go to DC tomorrow?!" I asked. Dalia chocked on her sandwich before splattering out a 'What?'
"Is that a problem?" They asked.
"A little," I said sarcastically. "I'm a taking to Harry or Edward?" I asked.
"Edward," he answered simply.
"Well Edward I don't know about you but I assume that up until recently you went to school. We can't just pack up and go and miss school. We have exams. Trust me, both of us would love to go but we wouldn't be able to. Our parents won't let us," I said, turing around a bit so that the teacher that walked by wouldn't see my phone.
"Oh yeah," he laughed. "Sorry babe I forgot. My exams are at the moment too. I have to do them all on Monday," he laughed but I could sense some nerves.
I couldn't blame him though. The exams must be being sent and he'll have to spend all day Monday and probably Tuesday doing exams in a quiet room when he has reckless boys next door. I know he hasn't studied because he would have had a ton on his mind (and from what I've learnt from articles and stuff, he doesn't strike me as a school type of person anyway) and over all, if he doesn't pass these exams which he hasn't studied for, he won't graduate and get a diploma. It is nearly the end of the school year.
He has more of a chance of getting a big and successful job because of Harry but he has been a normal person for his whole life. It's stressful for me let alone him. I'd be scared shirtless if I was in his position.
"You nervous?" I asked and he continued to laugh.
"Fuck yes!" He yelled but not in a rude way. "If I don't pass I don't graduate and Simon says if I don't graduate I'm not allowed to go on tour with the boys even if I wanted to. He says education is more important, side note though, no one in One Direction graduated high school so I don't know why he cares if I do or not. I'm shitting myself. I need to graduate so I can either be with the boys or get a good job so I can stay with Marcel while he finishes his last year. Basically I'm screwed if I don't pass. And I still can't study because I don't know what we've been learning, I don't have any text books and have you been in the same room as One Direction? They are so fucking annoying. Throwing paper airplanes, walking around in their underwear, breaking out into random songs. It's so annoying. I can't get anything done," Edward rambled on and on but I listened intently. I laughed a bit.
"No Edward. I haven't been in the same room as One Direction. You're leaving my dream." He paused.
"Oh yeah," he laughed but this time it was out of embarrassment. "Sorry," he mumbled. "Didn't mean to rub it in,"
"Edward!" I heard someone yell faintly from the other side of the phone.
"What?" Edward yelled back. I looked over to Dalia who had given up on listening and will probably pester me about it when I hang up.
"Tell her why you called. Stop rambling on about yourself. She doesn't care!" The voice yelled back.
I heard Edward sigh. "Anyway," he said in a more bored tone. "So you think there will be a problem getting you here tomorrow?" He asked and I nodded, forgetting he couldn't see me.
"Yeah. No way Dalia's parents would let her come- Stop it!" I swatted at her as he started to tug at my sleeve at the mention of her name.
I heard Edward chuckle. "You guys are close, huh?" He asked and this time it was my time to laugh.
"Yeah. Practically sisters," I smiled at her as she spoke to a friend who was walking passed our table.
"Yeah. Anyway, and our parents wouldn't let us go to Washington either," I said, getting back on topic.
"It'll be easy to get you girls here. No matter what's happening you two will be here tomorrow and your parents can come along too. I bet if we told your teachers and parents that the both of you are needed in an FBI investigation they'll let you guys come. Because you do know that that is exactly what it is right? Dalia is going to help Marcel get through his.....problems and help us understand what he went through and what crimes were committed against him. We already have a few but we know there is more," he told me and I was a little shocked. I didn't quite comprehend that Dalia was that important. Yikes! She is needed for an FBI investigation.
"I guess if you tell them that then we will defiantly come," I said happily. Dalia smiled too.
"Good. I can't wait to meet the two of you. Make sure she knows how amazing and beautiful we all think she is. Judging on what Marcel has said we know she's a sweet and courageous girl. And she's out last hope," he added the last part in a sad whisper. I smiled.
"I can't wait to meet you too. I'll tell her that and thanks for ringing me Edward."
"No, thank you for all that you have done. I hope you don't like your last class because we're going to get Frank, the FBI offerer in change of our situation, to email you principle and get you home and packing immediately. Can't wait to meet the both of you tomorrow," he said and I smiled and nodded enthusiastically.
"Okay, I'll tell Dalia what you said. No I don't like my next class and I can't wait to meet you too," I said, fumbling over my words. I nodded and exchanged a few last goodbyes before hanging up.
"What was that about? You talked for ages!" Dalia complained loudly when I had placed my phone back in my pocket.
"I was talking to Edward fucking Styles so I would have appreciated it if you had shut up." She looked at me with wide eyes.
"So you mean you're my pranking me? They actually believe it's me?" She asked and I nodded.
"Why would I pull this sort of prank? Dalia, I know deep down that you knew it was you all along. You know you met Marcel the day of the shooting. You know what he signed and you know it's you-" I was interrupted by the intercom.
"Dalia SinPatrick and Jennifer Rodgers please report to the head office immediately," the person spoke loud and clear. Dalia looked at me puzzled and I smiled.
"Edward said he would get someone to email the school. Looks like we're going home to pack for a holiday," I said standing up.
"What did Edward do? What were you guys talking about?" She asked as we picked up our things and headed towards our lockers on the way to the office.
"I'll tell you in the car on the way home," I smiled and she seemed to be okay with that. God! If our positions were switched I wouldn't shut up until I knew every word Edward had spoken to her.

Harry, Edward and MarcelWhere stories live. Discover now